Yeah, fair enough, we just didn't get around to add a couple of basic features. Thanks for trying to play it though ^^'
Goldbeard Studios
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Very cool game Idea and really good execution!
From a technical standpoint what you've made is really impressive, everything just works, and pretty well at that!
The only critic I have is the starting sequence, and the bosses AI.
The Starting sequence is pretty fast and I found it difficult to read everything in time (Though that may be since I'm not natively english).
The Boss got kinda stuck in the Trees, I think, so it was pretty easy to dodge him, just running around and flaming his toes.
The rest really is just polish, like the trees maybe having a particle explosion or something to indicate them being done, maybe more varying sounds and stuff like that, but other than that the game is pretty much as good as it can be, it's fun to play, it all works, it looks decent and it perfectly fit both limitations.
Great work, especially as a team of two!
Thanks for playing, or trying to, that is.
We tried to add a tutorial but didn't manage in time, unfortunately. What you do is the following; turn up the gas on the left side of the oven, then click the "Ignition" button until it, well, ignites. Then you take metal of the kind demanded in one of the orders on the right upper section of the screen (Iron=grey Steel=dark grey and copper, orange-ish) from the boxes on the upper left and place it in the oven until its red hot, take it out, place it on the table and use the hammer to shape it.
1x left click to flatten, 2x left clicks to sharpen and 1 right click to "pull" aka lengthen that part (to create a handguard or such)
Hope this helps ^^'
Would be great if you could add ours it broke because of a bug:
Alright then, awesome! Here's the new project! :D
Thanks a lot for this ^^'

It's a fun Idea, but a bit monotonous and all a bit sudden, without any introduction, It took me a while to realize what was the objective and a little longer to understand how I could achieve it.
The animations and art were very nice, as was the music, no real complaints there.
For the Time this was made in, very impressive.