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Golden Epsilon

A member registered May 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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No, if you want presets you should use 2.4, I was actually talking about rewrites that aren't even available on; I put enough features into 2.4 that I haven't made a version that got back up to that standard since

I think loading up your preset then making a new preset is the best way to do it? It's been quite some time since I've worked on that version of GEL (I've tried rewriting GEL a few times but nothing's come to fruition yet)

This is a mod for Nuclear Throne Together, not a standalone game

I'd have to check again to be sure, but if I remember correctly titank only replaces lil hunter, not the bosses+ boss.

Thank you!

There are ideas for those that I have, but if I finish them it'll probably be an update for this mod

They should be, but I haven't tested to see if anything specific breaks.
At most the issues should be minor stuff like Big Fish spawning not killing Giga Maggot

Not currently, but I can look into it

hah, yeah, sorry that I haven't gotten enough progress done for an update, I've kept being sidetracked by different projects. There are still plans for making an improved version of GEL, they're just lower priority for now while I work on other stuff (such as LOMuts)

What do you mean? Changing the sprite of a weapon you've already found, or what?

Oh, this is a bug I still need to fix, there's a setting that is currently broken - go to %localappdata%/nuclearthrone/data and destroy the NT3D.mod directory, and it should fix itself

That's a generic enough issue that I don't know what the cause would be off the top of my head. Are there any errors in chat? Did you try pausing/unpausing? Can you send me a screenshot or video of what happens?

oh, somehow the file got named "gel.mod.mod", when it's supposed to be "gel.mod.gml"

...that said, doing "/allowmod gel.mod.mod" like the game said to do should have worked in that situation.

Sorry I can't help more, but hopefully this helps you figure it out.

try renaming it to "gel.mod", or "gel.mod.gml"

well, if the issue is that gel is loading but /allowmod isn't working, that's because /allowmod has to be in another text file from the /loadmod for the mod (a bit silly, I know, it's because of timing shenanigans) so you'll have to do /loadtext startup2 and put the allowmod in there or something.

...that said, if you aren't getting ANYTHING in chat, you have a different issue, since wherever and however you have your startup.txt it doesn't recognize it.

(1 edit)

Are you using startup.txt for it?

if it doesn't say anything in chat you probably have the wrong file name for loading stuff automatically

- make sure it's not startup.txt.txt; if you have file extensions disabled try naming it "startup"

When you start a run, there should be an option for NT3D's settings in the options menu, you can change it there

fair. Actually, it might be best to just wait for me to push a quick update, since I'm modifying code on the fly since I haven't tested model importing much (for example, I don't have code for replacing weapons yet)

the 3D models will be behind a setting, though, so they'll be opt-in

I'll let you know when I have them all converted and everything; right now I'm in midterms so it'll take a bit. By the way, if you want to be in more active contact, it might be easier to talk over discord instead of the comments here (I'm in the NT discord, just ping me)

Thank you - I'll need access, though, it should've sent you an email for that

I think so, I'd just need to convert it to .obj

Not that I know of, but the mod does technically support 3D models! ...I just don't have any talent in 3D modeling, so I can't do much with it by myself.

Thank you!

oh, I missed your message - try typing the filename of the mod instead of just GEL

I think the install instructions are a bit outdated, sorry

Yeah, stuff without contact damage can melt fast from gamma guts. I tend to be best as fish, but robot's my favorite character from a design perspective.

gonna be real, the hard part is figuring out what a "fixed" version would look like. I'll take a look, though

Big Sniper seeing through walls is actually a relatively new addition, because it was too easy to cheese the pre-fight before - there are two different colors in the vision (orange and red), and the red area can see through walls (think of it as short-range scanners vs long-range scanners)

As for the rest of the fight, it's definitely harder than big dog but it's not that far out from the natural difficulty curve, at least according to the testers. Just make sure to clear out as many enemies as you can before fighting him. Thanks for playing the mod, though!

There's no easy method unfortunately, but if you go to %localappdata%/nuclearthrone/data there'll be either a folder for NT3D or a folder for CustomOptions (I can't remember which rn, sorry) that you can delete to reset to defaults

Are there any errors? I don't think I can debug with that little information

Thank you!

hi - we seeing how far this one comment chain goes now?

yes, there are a few ways (vanilla sprite edits, sprite_replace, loading custom sprites with a mod like I did), but you'd be better off using another mod/making your own if I understand you correctly.

I mean, no, you can't really change the weapon sprites without loading the mod, because of how it works...?

Sorry that there's a breakdown in communication, but I'm not sure what to suggest from here.
Is there any chance you're asking for a way to only have skins, and not the vanilla weapon sprites? If so, there's technically some code you could change (the 8 on line 125 - if you want vanilla skins to never show up change it to a 0), but other than that I don't think I can help you. might want to reword your questions? I'm honestly not sure what you're asking.
If you're asking about adding skins to the mod you can add images in if you name them correctly, or you can send stuff into the google form (there's a link in the NT server)

but yeah, if you use the cheat mod you can just keep clicking until you get the one you want, it'll randomize each time

1: not sure what you mean by that? There are some vanilla weapons without skins still, but most of them have alternate versions
2: not easily per-weapon without spawning more of it - there are multiple skins per weapon that show up randomly, so it's kind of a roulette which one you get.

Sorry, but I don't think I can help with that little information - is there any chance you're looking at the ground and the mouse sensitivity is messed up?

Did you download the updated version? (9.2) I realized I goofed recently and I thought I uploaded the fix. If I did mess up and not upload the fixed version just lmk, though!

ohhh you're having a different problem, then

(tl;dr is that you can't /allowmod a mod on the frame you load it)

the fix is that you need to make a second text file (say startup2.txt), have the /allowmod command in there, and in the first text file do /loadtext startup2.txt

It depends on the name of the mod file - if you want you can just rename the file to just GEL.mod.gml (or GEL.mod if you have file extensions disabled) and rename the startup.txt commands to work with that.

If you're still having trouble after that lmk

They should be spawning, I don't know why they wouldn't. Regardless, thank you!