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A member registered Sep 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hey, thanks for stopping by!

Hey, this is cool man. Wish I had a pocket goblin irl to sort all my shit

(2 edits)

Hahaha, right away you triggered my finish button I forgot to take out after testing the ending. Totally my bad, I'll be uploading a build without that soon :P

Thanks for playing, sorry you didn't find the attack button! (it's in the description on the game page but I should've put it in the game)

If you want to try again, I'm running this casual high score contest until November for a chance to be a unique enemy or friendly NPC in an update

Thanks, I was really happy with the idea and design after this gamejam. I continued development for a few weeks but it got sidelined for a bigger project. It comes back to my mind every so often as I do really enjoy this character design, with my past couple years of experience I could probably finish it up in a short time.

So this is the prequel to Hotline Miami

jk, but good work. You set a solid atmosphere and the visuals were very effective for this. Good job.

That's what I was going for, thank you!


So I'm not done with this, currently playing through. I died once already, but I have some things to say about it.

First of all, for context, VNs aren't my go-to genre. I've played and enjoyed some classics with VN elements (Snatcher, anyone?) but I have a hard time getting into them and have to be in the right mood.

Right off the bat, the atmosphere you keep here is perfect. The backgrounds combined with the music set up a perfect 80's slasher atmosphere that works very well. The writing isn't half bad either, if you're going for the 80's/90's slasher film style. It's pretty reminiscent of those.

I'm still going through as I'm enjoying it quite a bit. If you get around to add character portraits and maybe graphic representations of death scenes, I don't see why you couldn't monetize this.

The lighting really works for this, I wasn't expecting the first time I saw an enemy without glowing eyes!

Very good atmosphere and as already mentioned, the lack of cheap jump scares was definitely appreciated and the tension stayed up the whole time! Nice work!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing, I hope you enjoyed it! I'll be updating the game after the jam to include more secret areas, fix graphical glitches and maybe add more levels etc.

Nice work, great atmosphere! I was expecting more to happen but what's there feels really good, nothing feels clunky or obviously unpolished.

Thanks a lot! I feel pretty satisfied with the balance I achieved with minimal testing at the end (not happy about that on it's own lol) and just kinda feeling out the enemy speeds and adjusting it maybe once during development. I wasn't going for scary, but I'm glad I got the tension up!

I did! My process wasn't reponding so I almost force quit, but it went through!

Thanks, I'm glad you had fun!

Thanks a lot! I'll check out your game shortly!

Good luck!

(1 edit)

Don't worry, I'm not counting myself in the ranking ;)

This is awesome, really cool concept and aesthetic. I had the game hang at the end of day 9 but it may have been a hardware hiccup on my end.

Super minor, but I noticed one of the options screen's rotation depends on the angle you're looking, but it's only the last screen: 

Thought you'd be interested in that :D

Awesome work though, I love the shading effects. I've tried to work with Unreal Engine a bit in my free time, one thing I couldn't nail yet was perfect black outlines on low-poly characters. It's a really cool look you've achieved.

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This is cool! It took awhile to get to the end, and I actually had a couple of crashes (near the car in the center, both times strangely)

When I saw this style of shooter with zombies, it made me want to hunt down the older browser game Zombie 4 and give it a play again. (that's a good thing!)

Hopefully they can just exclude any votes that weren't the host's from that category. It wouldn't let me submit my ratings without choosing a score for that category so I disn't have a choice :(

In the worst case, maybe you can share your top ten or something here.

Thanks! I'm really glad you appreciated it, I hope I can really do the original idea justice with an expansion to this version.

And wow, that's a pretty good score! Did you find the secret room? I think you can get $13500+ without it, but you'd have to be pretty lucky with the enemy drops.

Thanks for running the jam, this was a lot of fun!

Do you want to be a cameo in a future update and expansion to this game? Check out the details here:

If you can get the highest score by the end of the voting period, you can be added as a cameo, dead or alive!

Some tips to get more cash:

1. Collect everything, beat up everyone!

2. Look for things hidden out of plain sight. Some items aren't easily visible, but nothing is completely hidden if you're in the same room.

3. Good ol' luck with what the enemies happen to drop, can't do anything about this one!

Good luck!

Do you want to be a cameo in a future update and expansion to this game? Check out the details here:

If you can get the highest score by the end of the voting period, you can be added as a cameo, dead or alive!

Some tips to get more cash:

1. Collect everything, beat up everyone!

2. Look for things hidden out of plain sight. Some items aren't easily visible, but nothing is completely hidden if you're in the same room.

3. Good ol' luck with what the enemies happen to drop, can't do anything about this one!

Good luck!

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot! Watching someone else play actually helps reflect on what I should have done differently. I was originally going to have a second type of attack for close range, and was going to have actions with their corresponding button control on the HUD, but as I had to restrain my original scope I decided that with only one attack, I didn't need it. I don't think that was the right decision as I see you died a few times before figuring out how to throw the ribs.

So this is very helpful for me, thanks again!

Nice art and atmosphere, pretty cool.

Sweet, I beat the spider and finished the graveyard. Nice work! Do the pinatas only appear in predetermined spots right now?

(1 edit)

So a friend of mine just pointed out that my build only had Windows support. I didn't have a Mac or available Linux machine to test on, so I wouldn't have even thought. I just ran builds for those platforms and you can grab them from the downloads.

Sorry if anyone downloaded it only to find you couldn't play! And please keep in mind, only the Windows version was tested!

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Oh yeah, when they start vibrating mid-wander? Not sure why thats happening, but I'm sure it's somewhere in the code where I'm getting their facing and next walk direction. The chasing turned out better than I thought though, even if they can't find their way around things yet.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

I hope it's alright I've uploaded a minor bugfix today, just added copyright to the title screen and a small line of code to trigger the ending when the condition is met (so small I did it in less than a coffee break, it was as minor as wrapping a method call with StartCoroutine(), a silly mistake I made during exhaustion)

Apologies to those who already downloaded and got to the end, if anyone survived!

Thanks! I'll be going through others' submissions tonight!

(2 edits)

Damn, just found out the ending is bugged. When you win, instead of showing the ending Charles just stands in place forever. This was literally the only piece I didn't test, and I know exactly which single line of code is causing it! A fix will follow. (I absent mindedly call a coroutine as a normal method, which obviously does nothing. 4am tired programming is no good!) If it's okay I'll update with the fixed version once I'm home, it's a two minute fix.

EDIT: Fixed! Enjoy!

(3 edits)

Hey, thanks for playing my game! All code and graphical assets were made during this jam period. Art is my weak point so I wanted to challenge myself a bit, as I'm already a programmer in my professional life.

Unfortunately it's 4am for me and tomorrow's a work day, so I didn't have enough time to playtest as much as I'd have liked.

Let me know if you run into any bugs, but I "think" I got them all during development ;) (except the mobsters weird convulsions they sometimes have when they're wandering around lol)

EDIT: Just found out the ending is bugged. When you win, instead of showing the ending Charles just stands in place forever. This was literally the only piece I didn't test, and I know it's caused by a single line of code! A fix will follow.(4am tired programming is no good!) If it's okay I'll update with the fixed version once I'm home, it's a two minute fix.

Hey everyone, this is my first time joining the Scream jam and I'm having a lot of fun so far. I'm working on a basic action game, you can see the title screen here.

All graphical and code assets have been made during the jam. The only things I haven't made are public domain SFX and a couple music tracks of which the license only requires due credit.

That's all for the short introduction, and now I'm going to grind away the weekend to finish this up for you guys!

Nice and simple with an easy learning curve, and the progression in difficulty has a good pace. Nice work!

This is great! I hope you revisit it, I'd love to see what it could become!

This would also be perfect with music that becomes more "complete" the more band members you have!

This is great! The multiplayer feature is definitely welcome in a game like this. Something weird happened on level 4 where the opponent wouldn't stop dashing back and I was able to just spam weak attacks lol, but I couldn't pass level 5. Nice work!

This is really good, and I'll second the other user's point in that your character is super cute!

If it had more in the way of background music I think it'd be even better.

This is really cool and I can't wait to see where you go with it!

Wow, this one is excellent! Really nice game!