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A member registered Mar 30, 2021

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hey ummm the coin game train scene seems to still not be working the nsfw toggle seems to work as I can get the devotion point from the talk in the room if nsfw is on but the train scene is just completely skipped.

no its not abandoned its a finished product you have to buy the full version on steam this is pretty much a demo at this point

Well this changed my plans for the night gonna be reading this instead of what I was planning to do. Super excited I get to start romancing the best cat.

Fun... I just hard locked myself I'm at the point where the base gets attacked all my people are level 50 but I put all of the stat increase items into kero and the mc mc is out of the picture current and I have to fight the 5 sets of 5 that are hard to kill I'm out of mana restores by the 3rd fight running out of healing can't craft better healing all and all I'm stuck to the point I either need to use a save editor or restart. Considering I'm more than 8 hours in this is not pleasant

um I'm 90% certain he is a troll and hasn't read the story at all so I think you just spoiled him... lol I don't really care though he was on my block list so I couldn't even read his message till I revealed it. the only people I have on said list are people with very clear hate comments btw and I think that person is one of like 3 I ever blocked

just a few more days I'm so excited.

very early game it was an interaction in the gym between the PC, the blue wolf and the ripped fox where you choose a body type or say it doesn't matter, I miss clicked the top option and I had to go as far as a reinstall to undo the choice loading/closing and reopening the game and restarting didn't work

Okay so I'm starting the game after a while and I already found a bug the option in the gym always chooses the top no matter what I choose

Okay I have to ask if I spend the two dollars now do I get all future updates as well or do I have to buy every one?

thanks I will check it out just started my ng+ run and I felt terrible that he dies because of the antidote.... I so hope this isn't a troll

yay dark souls

you can't forget combat is a big part of this game as well wired headphones would heavily get in the way getting caught on stuff etc I would rather not have a quick time event based around his headphones being caught on somethin.

hmmm was there a time period the game is set in if not I think wireless ear buds would be better

Major android bug brothel is unable to be accessed once you enter you can't leave you are guaranteed to crash and any interaction with trying to work there will net you the same result. No actual error message pops up. Also I do know the Samsung I use shouldn't have an issue as I could launch it without issue on an older phone about a year ago and the current one has a lot more processing power as I can't earn money I don't really want to move forward with any character in case there are any more major bugs

Found the issue my has  terrible processing power so it couldn't load the game... Much like it can't even load Minecraft, but my old phone could load it up fine so I will likely play on it from now on... At least till I can get a good pc


Pc no report appears the last line that shows before the full crash is the dialogue mentioning you can skip to new content, I have used my laptop and my phone neither get past this 

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Crash within the first few lines of dialogue

Okay I don't know if it is just me but for the latest  android version I'm getting constant crashes enough that even though I'm a fast reader I've had to start over 15 times due to crashes and haven't made it past day 3. On top of this the gallery feature isn't working unless i make a save at a cg and go back to the main menu. Also fast forwarding is pretty much a guaranteed crash.

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1. no godly clue

2. well duh its my bae shoichi from tennis ace

3. looks like jayce from socially awkward idk though.

okay this dancing in the comments trend should soooooo be referenced at some point in the game i dont mind if its not but it would be funny

I know the feeling I'm not gonna say any spoiler content but I do watch a guy who is currently playing the game and I did see a snippet of Juns route resulting in me keeping it at arms length. Maybe if I ever get over my feelings for sho I can play it but it will probably be around 2 years after the full game is released. Also so excited for the update within the next few days witch ever Shoichi path it is I'm excited to see the new content.

cool I'm gonna do a play through on the windows version then move to android when it is available

Important question is this made using renpy? If so it is able to be emulated on Android via joiplay.

Nah that's all untill the next update is released I believe.

Spoiler/slight criticism. Kept to a minimum.

Loving the game so far definitely gonna follow it through the end. It's a bit all over the place at times at first I thought it was gonna be a super serious game with what Mike talks about but the sudden super power(?) Involvement through me off. Interested to see where it goes hoping it winds up within my top five(big name vns here). 

I know of that work around but the only issue is that I will have to reinstall rather than update so saves won't work between versions.

I have tried both versions 10 times(redownload) and I always get black screen of death after launch on Android. I spent 10 hours trying to get it to load and it hasn't worked so figure I should report it.

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... I'm totally friendly I'm the type of person who if someone says I'm an a*s I reply 'we all have one' and if they say they hate me I reply 'we all love you too' it's totally friendly and not snide remarks and sarcasm rolled into a ball.  But in all actually americans are a very mixed basket you could reach in and pull out a cute kitten or you could pull out a rabid wild badger with your arm in its mouth

It is the newest update the next version will be out on the 29th according to the dev it is currently available to patreons though

its fine I'm mostly putting this message up in case others on mobile want to play it genuinely the only issue is the mini game it might be better on tablet as the hitboxes would be bigger but if you save and hit as soon as they apear you can pass fairly easily

Hmmmm it's good so far though I am playing this on my phone via joiplay so the mini game thing is a bit funky, as it is pretty much luck based(have to rapid tap and reload till you win took me about ten trys for the first round 3 or four for the second. But either way I'm enjoying it so far it's a pleasant change of pace from the style of visual novel I normally play.

And all the 6 ft characters would be perfect smuggling size for you as well. Being short has its perks

During koshiros route after you choose to leave the vimage on the Android version there is a massive exception I have hit ignore at least 30 times at this point and it's still occurring

Spoiler and grammar error ahead you have been warned

It should just be sweat a lot at the end 

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Okay my timing couldn't have been worse downloaded this at 10ish 6 hours later I got back online after finishing my first run(on like 3 games including this one) and found out there was an update 2 hours after my download but either way I certainly am loving it so far

Patrons have an update for him as of yesterday I have to wait till I get paid but when I do I probably gonna patron a few of these that I've been playing recently