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(18+) A Lewd & Gay furry Hack n' Slash adventure · By Carpetwurm

Secrets (SPOILERS) Sticky

A topic by Carpetwurm created Apr 12, 2022 Views: 75,823 Replies: 37
Viewing posts 1 to 28
Developer (1 edit) (+17)(-3)

Just for the hell of it, here's a list of all the secrets that I can remember off the top of my head. This isn't every single secret/easter egg, just the ones that directly affect gameplay.

Name Easter Eggs:

At the beginning of the game, if you name your character any of these things it'll have different effects

  • "Link" - Guts+2
  • "Zelda" - Will+2
  • "Ganon" - Str+2
  • "Richter" or "Alucard" - Changes a line of dialogue in Jonas's intro
  • "Chief" or "John" - Changes a line of dialogue in Ataraxios's intro
  • "Reimu", "Marisa", "Cirno" - Makes it easier to find Rykah's fight

Secret Scenes:

Poco - In the hotel, after you destroy the generator back track to the room full of wires and a single box containing an energy drink (I think) In the bottom right corner, there's a unique small trash can object you can interact with. It'll transport you to the tiny raccoon house, where you can get fucked by Poco.

Alex - In the first room of the Convention Hall, there's a door that requires a keycode to access. Input either 5010 or 9053 and it'll unlock, where you can fuck Alex. (There's a few other possible codes, but I don't remember them off the top of my head.) There's also an energy drink in the room he's standing in, a callback to Tailbound: Classic.

Both of their dialogue changes depending on which one you meet first.

Secret Boss:

There are a few methods of reaching the secret boss, so I'll list them all in order. Generally though, fighting Rykah requires a new game (or newgame +) since she's only in the tutorial area of the game.

  1. After receiving the sword & Gyronet hoodie, play through the tutorial like normal. Make sure to kill every enemy along the way, and do not get hurt. (If you fail either of these, it won't unlock Rykah.) Once you get to the first save kiosk, save and backtrack to the room where you got the sword. A stairway will be revealed, with Rykah waiting below. (The stairway is in the upper left corner of the room next to some boxes,  right below the doorway leading out.)
  2. Start a new game and name your character either Reimu, Marisa, or Cirno. After getting the sword, simply exit and re-enter the room, and the staircase will appear.
  3. With a Newgame+ file, all you have to do is enter and re-enter the room after getting the sword. However, Rykah's fight (like all other boss fights in NG+) is faster and she has a larger health pool.

how do you find the key to the generator in the hotel?


there isn't a singular key for "the" generator, there's three keys in total on level 3.

First one is found by going in the vents to the right after entering the level

Second one is in the room(s) on the bottom side of that T shaped room with the trapdoors

Third one is in the big trapdoor room unlocked by the steam pipe room that's on the far side of the long hallway with electrical wires


Can you give a little bit more instructions? I found the save room of hotel and I searched every room I could but couldn't find the key to the generator. The electrical wires blocked the ways.


Stuck in the same part but all doors are open but the gerator one is closed what key i lost because the ones you said i take and other one too


you cant beat Rykahs without any heal items....


u just cant beat her..


I actually beared her on hard mode after 7 tries, just remember her attack pattern and when to evade it

I just did... with rolling spam


yay dark souls


How do I get to the third purple pod in L1? I'm on NG+ and I've scoured through the first area over and over again, but I don't know where to find the key for it. For reference, it's the key for the room connected to the safe room just before the first boss.

Deleted 256 days ago

does the raccon still exist even if i already went to the secret lab, using my old save cause i have access to the hotel from there is it a time based thing or will they just be there even if i already beat the game and reloaded the save? 

also instructions unclear for the secret boss brain hurts me square brain, for ng+ do i have to kill the enemires go into the room then come back or can i just get the sword, leave the room the sword was in then come back into the sword room?

had this error starting up, anybody know what i can do to fix it?




action number 1

of Create Event

for object o_master:

Data structure with index does not exist.

at gml_Script_load_config



stack frame is

gml_Script_load_config (line -1)



uuuuum hello i want the game but is any chance of obtain if without doing the purchase?


A game in development for more than 2 years for free?


Help the author to cure psychological problems?

Hello,but i can‘t found the second key.can you tell me how to get the second key?

What happens if you destroy all the purple tubes? Is Ashe doomed no matter what you do?

It just makes the last fight easier, he still dies.

Bless you, I hope the author's mental health and everything will recover soon.

[Player Beta tester here; trying it out for the first time] 

Was wondering when a walkthrough will be available. Managed to find 4 of 8 Pink Generators between L1 and L2, but couldn't find any more keys.  I did come across a door locked by a keypad though, then again I also destroyed every conceivable note in the building because I thought they were just jokes and not genuine hints...


The notes aren't genuine hints, they're mostly optional world building stuff. The P-AD cells are split across the entire game, so there's 4 more in L3-L4.

That secret boss was hecka fun.  VERY CHALLENGING but hecka fun ^w^

I am stuck on the lab level. No matter how much i look i cannot find the key to enter the boss dight. Plz help

I cant find a 2nd key in the secret lab level i already used one but then i found another locked door near one of the shops but ive checked everything and i still cant find a key


Love the game, but my only gripe is that you can't play one-handed ;)

How to find L1 key?

(2 edits)

I got a problem, I get to the secret lab but I can't find a key to open the door to fight (it seems) final boss, I searched everywhere, but I can't find it, I've already open all boxes on 4th level, please help me  (P.S пишу на русском по приколу, так что не обращайте внимания, просто хотел сказать что игра восхитительна, особенно музыка, особенно на 2 этаже, она великолепна, сам дизайн, сцены, всё в этой игре пропитано любовью, так что если бы можно было проголосовать за игру, я бы поставил 10000990909000/10


where is the raccoon


There is a secret level in the Hotel level it gives u a gasmask that you can give to ashe and I assume save him in the end of the game.

Location lvl 3 top right room where there is a floor panel path that leads to a generator (small) destroy that then head back down the left side of the generator there will be sneakily hidden stairs downward. be warned enemies in the area are tougher so expect 1-2 hit KO's

thanks I will check it out just started my ng+ run and I felt terrible that he dies because of the antidote.... I so hope this isn't a troll

not a troll friend. I was honestly surprised and happy that I found something that no guide has found or put in yet! 


i need one key to open gerator door in the hotel level but have eletric cables brocking how i turn them off?

I cant find the key to the P-AD room on the first level. There is a room just under the save room before the boss fight that needs a key but after looking through the level for good 20 minutes i couldnt find it

how do i get the TRUE and HONEST ending ?

Any chance of a gallery unlock cheat or something similar in the future? Admittedly I'm still just trash at the game even after a good few hours of play, and I'm at my wits end when it comes to filling out the entire gallery. Even just different difficulties would be a help, I just want to unlock all the "content" somehow without sinking even more time in than I did with Thirstchasm to get every scene in the gallery (which is honestly far more time than it should have taken me).

How do you save Ashe? Or is there not a way?

how will the deluxe dlc effect people who got the game on steam