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A member registered Aug 30, 2016

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I was thinking about how stop/give way could be implemented, and had the idea that you could draw a solid, or dotted line across the edge of a square and it would then become either stop or giveway.

OK.. monitor was easy, I had forgotten the hotkey!

But... how do we retry a level without clearing all the markings and light settings?

(1 edit)

I'd love to see Give Way/Stop signs with associated traffic priority rules, and also left turn and right turn light signals. ohh and while I'm wishing for things... slip lanes, lane change options

Oh and lastly... how do I select which monitor to play on? It plays on my secondary monitor which is in portrait mode :(

Imported to Unity, but no animations? Am I missing something?

I quite enjoyed my one and only run through, though I got called away from the computer and with no way to pause or save it ended badly for my town.

Some instructions might be handy.. like the fact you need to click on things to harvest them! Overall though it is a great fun little game.

As per the other thread here though... it is being detected as infected by BitDefender, so cant play it now.

Yep .. still flags it as infected. Unfortunately .. because I really quite like it. (played it on my work PC so Trend dont think it's a problem)