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A member registered May 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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Nice game! A simple concept while still being fun and challenging :D

This game is pretty solid for making it in so little time! Nice work man

Nice game, I managed to get all 3 endings! I like the art too. My only suggestion would be a setting for "dialouge speed" so faster readers don't have to wait on the dialouge. If you plan on working on your game after the jam I'd love to see different criminal stories and maybe more dialouge options and scales!

Nice concept. If you plan to work on your game after the jam I would love to play a more completed version!

I love what you've done with this! I'm a big fan of pixel art and everything in this game was so pretty. The boss fight at the end was super awesome. One of my favorite games I've played so far!

Nice game! I like how you used the theme and I feel like the visuals of your  game are consitent and connected. It's a simple concept while still being fun and challenging.

Hey everyone, unfortunately the leaderboard doesn't work. So feel free to leave your score here in the comments! I'd love to see what you guys got :D

Like others have said, when the platform goes past a cerrtain point there's no hope in getting in back. I do like all the different objects you chose for balancing! Neat game and good use of the theme.

Man I am not good enough to play this game lmao, but I still loved it. Music was great, graphics weren't anything crazy but they don't have to be! I look forward to the easier gameplay, nice work :D

Nice game! I think this is a great idea and a creative way to use the theme, and could be greatly improved by some artwork!

Nice game! I made it until the crazy/organge block and died by falling into a pit of lava lol. I think adding a few checkpoints throughout the game would make it more enjoyable. I liked the different blocks and their animations too :D

Yeah I was dissapointed when I realized the leaderboard doesn't work. Thanks for playing, and besides that I'm glad you like it! 

Thanks for playing! Yes I know exactly what you're talking about with the health being weird. I tried getting it to work properly for a few days but was running out of time. I'm thinking if you upgrade your health enough then the enemies do less damage then whatever is "rehealing" the player. Happy you enjoyed it and thank you for the feedback!

Thanks for playing! I'm sorry to hear about that, I was wondering if the leaderboard was just a problem on my side or if something was wrong with the game. I definitely plan to fix this when the jam is over.

Thank you :D

Thank you :D, thanks for playing

Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it :D

Thank you so much! Frank really is just the perfect name for a Francium character lol

Thank you for the feedback!

While you’re right that players can just dodge enemies to pass the round, the goal is to collect as many points as possible. The reason for the sort round time (outside of Francium’s half-life) is to encourage players to move around quickly and collect as many points as they can to buy new upgrades and increase their score for the leaderboard.

As for how points are collected, I originally had the points add directly to the player as you described. However, this would allow the player to just sit in one spot the whole round and fire at enemies. I found this to be a bit boring. So, I made it so the enemies dropped points the player would have to collect. This forces the player to move around, which adds to the challenge and I found it made the game more enjoyable.

Hope this explains some of my thinking, thank you for playing :D

Nice concept! I really like how the buildings move and are faded into the background, the cat sounds do get annoying after a while lol but its a solid game 😊

Thanks for playing! I just added a small section to the game description explaining the different power-ups, thank you so much for the feedback :)

Thank you so much! :D

Such a simple concept, and it fits perfectly with the theme and makes for a great game! Loved the sound design and the spaceship exploding lol

This is insane, I love it lmao

I can't get past the 2nd level! The glitchy character keeps catching up to me lol

This art makes me so happy lol, I love it. Moving the little guy was tough at first but I got going eventually. Awesome job man!

Enjoy! Again, any feedback is very appreciated :D