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Grainwood Games

A member registered Aug 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Congratulations on your event, that is great to hear!! I am glad your event went well, thank YOU for displaying my game :)

I would love to see your photos, you can send them to ' '.

Thank you very much :)

This is not a softlock. You can reset the car's position. Controls are listed in game and on this page :)

Yes of course :)

Use whatever you like in any way you like!

By all means! You may show this game in whatever context you wish.

Thank you and good luck with your event!

Google Translate below:

ぜひ!このゲームをどんな状況でもお見せください。 ありがとうございました。イベントの成功をお祈りします!

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Fun little game, had a rich, melancholic atmosphere and disturbing (in a good way!) sound design, Hope to see more from you in future! :)

Fun little game, I loved the people and their animations! :)

Amazing!! I loved the buildup and reveal, as well as the slight misdirection with Phayak. The discovery at the end made me gasp :O

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Hi! Thanks for the comment :)

Moving bones will be a bit of a case by case basis I imagine, I use a BoneAttachment3D node that I attach to the neck bone, then I can enable/disable "Override Pose" and lerp the angle as required in code.

I am aware that you can pack the pck file but Godot's own documentation suggests not doing so:

"On Windows, PCK embedding is also known to cause false positives in antivirus programs. Therefore, it's recommended to avoid using it unless you're distributing your project via Steam as it bypasses code signing and antivirus checks."

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I totally neglected to write this in the controls section, but LOTS of people have mentioned the terrible brakes, and well... You can press Spacebar to brake! Very few people seem to have naturally found this out XD

Maybe I should update the description...

This is very accurate, thank you for the obvious time and attention put into this totally real review :)

Congratulations! Ufologist was great! I think your success will only grow from here!

One of the greatest horror experiences ever made. Well put together, great 'investigative' decision making required from the player, perfect length, perfect vibe. Amazing!!


I'm always weary of letting the player wander too far  if there is nothing there to find, it just wastes the player's time and is a very unsatisfying experience.

Early in development, you could get out of the car wherever you wanted but it didn't really add anything fun to the game. Opening the map up any more would completely change the scope of the game imo :)

Seems to be working for most folks, you're running a modern Windows OS I assume?

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Doing the modelling entirely in-engine with either Godot or Unity would be... challenging? You really need to be using blender or equivalent software for anything more complex than a box lol.

Unity has its own terrain editor and tree creator and while I believe there are 3rd party terrain plugins in the works for Godot, in both instances I'd still rather use blender (though I never got fully fluent with the unity systems).

Unity will have Waaay more tutorials and resources online so is probably easier to get into (maybe? Though I find Godot much easier to actually use!) but Godot isn't lacking in documentation and being open-source vs the money-grubbers that own Unity is a big plus for me lol

Shaders are always a little complex, I'd say creating them in either Unity or Godot is much the same process. The basic NTSC and film grain filters I use I originally found tutorials for online and then modified the parts that didn't work for me. Other than that I just make sure to only use simply geometry and set the game to a low resolution.

Good luck on your project! :D


Well I just downloaded like 14 games off that list so I'm in for a good week XD

Thank you :)
Rented Nightmare was very good, I LOVE how cinematic the intro was! Some real effort went into that and it looks great!

I could be mistaken but I was just browsing the 'new' section and it seems like another user has reuploaded this game without the price tag now that your 100% sale has ended.

I don't want to link it here and bring attention to it but presumably this was done without your consent!

I tried to find a way to contact you without posting this publicly but couldn't see a way. You can delete this comment once you've seen it.

Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot to me!!

It is always great feedback to learn the specifics of what a player liked or disliked :)
I will always try to make each game better than the last, hopefully I can create things worth playing :D

Really liked the game!

It has a really chilling vibe. A unique 'stillness' that makes you feel enclosed and uncomfortable, VERY nicely done!

I loved the graphics and the environment, great use of a small space to make the player feel vulnerable.

I look forward to more from you in future! :)

Hi there!

The game was made in Godot 4, which I find very simple to work with. The models used are mentioned in the in-game credits but broadly:

the 'people' are from a creator name Quaternius (, Which I then strip the facial geometry from and retexture in blender (I also created some extra animations to suit my needs).

the household objects like toasters, soaps, bins etc. all came from whose models you will find are ubiquitous in Itch horror games. 50% of the games on here wouldn't exist without them lol!

The car exterior came from, but I modeled and textured the interior myself.

The Takeaway itself and the Player's house I modeled and textured from scratch using a combination of [an old, free version of] Sketchup and Blender, as was the terrain. I edit/create textures in GIMP and edit audio in Audacity.

Good luck on your game!! :)

Thanks for playing :)
Maybe it is, I couldn't possibly say for sure ;)

Google translate:
Gracias por jugar :) Tal vez lo sea, no podría asegurarlo ;)

LOL that is the exact place I had the car go during playtesting!! It only happened once and I could never nail down the exact cause. I implemented what I *thought* could have helped avoid it but apparently not!

Thanks for playing :)

Hmm interesting about the flashlight! I wonder what caused it.
Yeah, I'll keep the checkpoint idea in mind for future games but it might be troublesome to retroactively implement in this game at this point.

Thanks for giving it another go and for your feedback :)

Thank you very much :)

It is an honour to be compared to Chilla's Art, love those games!

Insane commitment to completionism lol
I don't know how you had the patience for this, great video :)

Thanks for playing!

Oh hang on, thinking about this were you trying to walk along the road? There is an alternative path to walk along that takes you through the trees (a dirt path), did you find that?

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This is a really generous comment, thank you so much for the kind words they mean a lot to me! I'm glad your experience with the game stood out to you :) 💖💖

Haha really pleased my bathroom got a better rating. I specifically designed it with your review in mind and was hoping you would play this game XD That elusive S tier will keep me motivated in future games! the bath you said was a weird shape is actually identical to my bath IRL lol

Thanks for playing once again! Great video :)

Hmm. On ONE occasion in testing we had something like that occur due to the exiting the car on the same frame that it rolled out of 'valid' parking.
I was confident that it was fixed but perhaps there is another way for this bug to surface that I have yet to identify. Thanks for reporting it :)

Yeah should be fine. I've no clue tbh.

Thanks for feedback :)

I agree about pursuing all endings being tedious, I don't recommend it!
You have far more patience than I do! Hopefully people will consult your videos rather than driving themselves mad replaying over and over lol

Thanks for checking the game out :)

(1 edit)

Tricky! Two reports of the flashlight being weird now today. I have never had issues with it and cannot replicate any on three different computers running both Windows 10 and 11. So it will be really hard to fix... The flashlight is also completely unchanged from my previous game  and I didn't see any issues there either. Weird.
Are you on AMD GPU? Graphics drivers up to date? Windows emulator?
IDK at this point.

As for checkpoints I don't think I would want to implement any. The idea of just blitzing through different endings by skipping the bulk of the game does not sound compelling to me. The game's description contains some of my thoughts on multiple ending games if you're interested.
long story short, I agree that replaying over and over is tedious. I have never enjoyed it in any itch horror game, which is why I don't recommend it lol

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Hmm, really odd about the flashlight, I've never seen that before. Are you running this on a windows emulator or anything like that? Up to date graphics etc. etc. all the usual suspects?

Hard to fix a problem I've never encountered and can't replicate lol!

The car being missing is mentioned in the game description, annoying bug I'm still trying to work out, sorry about that!
It is rare, but when hundreds of people pick up the game in the space of 24hrs  it turns out multiple people find it happening quite quickly. I'll take another look.

Thanks so much for playing! Fun video, that thumbnail cracks me up XD

Thank you for the kind words!

Well, if you JUST find your door open there's no evidence of a crime...
Perhaps if you could SEE the man in your house somehow it might be enough for the police... hmmm... :)

Nice video :) Thanks for playing :)

After completing the game for the first time you should've received a message about 'Bonus Speed', which can be turned on from the settings menu and funnily enough does increase movement / driving speed by exactly 1.3x!

Yeah... I'm trying to figure out a fix for the car clipping at the start of the game. It seemed to be INCREDIBLY rare during playtesting but multiple people have already had it happen since the game going live...

I'll keep investigating.

Hello :)

The game has four 'symbols'  that represent different endings, however some of these endings have multiple paths to reach them and have different ending dialogues.

If you just want the symbols to be 'complete', the answer is four.
If you want to see every line of text and can stomach replaying broadly the same experience over and over and over it is more like 7 or 8 I think.


Hello! The music used was created by a user named 'Rockot' and uploaded to (

I cut a short loop from that file and processed it a little in the game :)

A lot of the files I use were downloaded a long while before I find something to do with them, so I had to do some digging (for my next projects I am taking notes on assets used, so I can credit them more accurately).

Just got this response from Reddit:

"Thanks for submitting a report to the Reddit admin team. After investigating, we’ve found that the reported content doesn’t violate Reddit's Content Policy."
