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A member registered Oct 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!! Really glad you like the music, it was so fun to make hehehe

Yeah, I guess it could've fit the theme better - When brainstorming, I just told myself it would be too easy to do something that takes a game that already exists and just swap the roles, so I tried doing something completely different - but I guess that's basically what the theme was about in the first place.. If I ever make a postjam version, I'm definitely making things a lot quicker (mouse controlling, faster player, etc), so thanks for the feedback on that! It isn't something that occurred to me while I was making it (I guess I just got used to it haha)

Coming up with puzzles was definitely the hard part for me, so if I make more levels later without a strict time limit, I'll hopefully be able to get creative with it and do more interesting AI stuff involving the player :)

Yeah, that's fair - if I end up making a postjam version, I'm making stuff wayyy quicker (probably adding mouse support too, so you can click on robots to swap)

Really fun game!! I love how you interpreted classic chess mechanics and made them work with this kind of game. The knights are absolutely terrifying, btw

Very fun concept and execution! It seems to just go on forever, without really getting much harder, so some indication of how close you are to beating the game (or just a clearer indication of how well you're doing) would be nice. Overall pretty fun though

Nice pixel art and fun concept, but beating the first level is very hard - the noise detection never decreases, and it seems like there's no reason *not* to just hold down shift the entire time to decrease the noise detection (and make yourself go slower).

Pretty fun! Since the stop time mechanic is only needed in the later levels, I kinda forgot about it, then had to learn about it when I had to use it. Also, I think that getting hit by a ghost while time is stopped softlocks you, but other than that, it's pretty good

this is undoubtedly one of the games that has ever been made. Nice!

if I had to make a list of every game that has ever been made, this would undoubtedly be one of them

This looks really cool! is it possible to start the screenshot with a keybind?
