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A member registered Feb 20, 2024

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(2 edits)

Maybe. I think the scaling just felt off if I were to get stuck on, say, stage 2, and suddenly the levelups seem to stop for a long while, but after playing a bit more it looks like if I don't die the first time I clear each stage, then the XP scaling is plenty to get 3 or 4 levels a stage if I'm thorough. So I agree that making the first couple stages give more XP would help since I feel like that's where a new player is likely to get stuck, but I guess it is a pretty controlled progression already which I can understand since that makes it harder to overlevel. (And to be fair, maybe my expectations were too high for what level I should be able to reach since it's still only a demo...)

Also, it turned out the skill tree lets you out of the basic tier way faster than I had thought, I was leveling the talents evenly so I thought I had to complete the whole thing, I guess I got confused by the wording in the guide

Just tried this yesterday, I think there's a lot of promise! I got through the first three maps and they were fun, although the second map was rough mainly because the physics and jump height are a little inconsistent right now (and also I'd have to wait awhile to be light enough to jump, but I didn't notice the belly rubbing devlog till just now). The skill tree is also really cool, but I had about 3 good attempts on each of the first three maps and I still couldn't even get out of the basic skills. The leveling feels like it takes super long, and once I realized you HAVE to max the basic group it really started to feel like a grind. But it was still a good time, the art is nice and the controls, menus, and mechanics all work very well! Considering the camera feels a little close for my taste I really like that you can quickly look up and down to see where you're jumping!

I believe you need to hit max size while having their powerups, and for Bella she also needs to be beyond 100GP. This is deceptively straightforward to do because all three have ways to fill themselves fast while they have their powerups 

I think someone shared theirs in here through a cloud service? But yea, I wish there was an easier way. I'm glad some of them are included in the base game files, I really like the Penelope sprites!

(2 edits)

You can also use copy instead of actually dragging out the files. This way you don't have to do step 3 every time

debucon for the holidays???? every update is always appreciated, thank you and merry christmas!

Oh, okay. It actually does start loading in 0.1b, but it softlocks at Small\Weight4 (the cow was too thicc?????)

Wait how are we supposed to mod her into 0.11? There's no mod folder so I assume we have to put the folder somewhere else

(1 edit)

Hey, that's true! Between their Itch page and Discord I think Vessel Tactics has a few modded characters for their game, it'd be cool to see something similar for this

iirc they worked when they were loose in the folder

did you start a game? the new sprites won't show up on the menu, you only see them when a game starts

there's a readme in the files, but you paste the files from Minerva's folder (or another set if you have one) into the "custom" folder

Also, I think the coconuts aren't working for me? That might need fixing

One thing I was curious about. Since some of the fetish content is tied to specific mechanics, is the kink/ability list a general thing? Or will different characters cater to different fetishes, potentially via unique abilities and powerups? 

Overall, this is really solid! It's challenging and has plenty of variety, but is lenient enough at the start to get a good run going as long as you're careful. I think the mechanics do a good job of feeling rewarding while being balanced by the risks.

(3 edits)

I think the most notable thing is you can't make potions while she's inflated but you CAN sell them, so it's a good idea to always have one of every ingredient combo stocked before you go and blow her up, just to have something to sell. Personally I don't think the reputation is bugged, but it's harsh until you figure out a good routine

cute game, i just wish her belly would have sloshy noises when you rub it. Also there's a small issue where it softlocks if you finish the day while she's full

at least we got big avalon

cause for celebration

wait so when 0.2 or whatever the next one's called gets all of its fixes, that's when we would get... 0.1b? i think? the whole hotfix thing just makes it a bit confusing is all

Ok, I was curious since waits can understandably vary sometimes. Thank you for the response!

It's finally here!!! I heard about some of the things put in the hotfix, is that just coming out whenever the next build finishes?

It seems like Remy and Yumi can't inflate at all... but the update is pretty solid so far! Good luck with your personal stuff!

(1 edit)

Yo!!!! I've been checking in every so often so it's great to see you're doing good and making progress. I'd like either voice option, but I realize the beeps would be easier to implement and customize. 

Also, there are lines when the character is poked or interacts with stuff while full, where a burp or other sound is written into the dialogue but no sound plays because she's not being fed. Even if you don't go fully voiced, would it be a good idea to make some dialogue play the burping or belly noises that are already in the game? Like what if we could hear her belly sloshing during the exercise dialogue?

I think because not every unit has trip dialogue, it causes a softlock? If I recall, when that happens you can press T to ignore the cutscene and move to the next character.

Oh, HughOfTheSkies's World Eater game has a foxgirl like that. I'd be a fan of that if they added it!

That'd be pretty cool! Speaking of, I hope at some point Theano would be able to have more capacity, too. They make her out to be someone who trains really hard and even works on specifically upping her capacity, but literally every unit except Brunch Squad can hold more than her... ;-;

The browser version updates are looking pretty good! However, on browser I can't hear a majority of the sound effects, apart from the damage voice and the powder collection noise. Is it just on my end, or is that something that still needs to be worked on?

Happy to finally have 0.04! It seems the next update will be really big, and I do plan to buy patron status when that update drops, so is there at least a rough idea on when it will happen? I'm curious but I understand if nothing's set in stone right now. Thank you for all the content thus far!