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Gregg Jewell

A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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I think there is a 9-card low ink format version on BGG page. I didn’t create those, so can’t bring them over here.

(5 edits)

On Top of Deck trigger only resolves once per turn. Can’t reactivate multiple times just because a card was rotated otherwise you could keep rotating eligible rotation cards and activating their On Top of Deck ability multiple times.

Also, this is an old image. The current version of Orzumal's Eye in the PnP file specifically states "If this side was active prior to this turn..."

Sounds great, I think that may be best to put on the BoardGameGeek page so you can manage it and reach wide audience. Thank you!

Hey I'm not sure the publisher's release schedule. Hopefully "soon" there will be an announcement!

They're also available here (I can see the preview thumbnail again so that's a good sign!): 

Ok, try to download them now

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So the files are blank even when opening from your desktop? Or blank in the browser PDF viewer?I think I figured out why this happens to some people.

When I get home tonight I will update the card files to PDF/E instead of default Adobe PDF.

This only happens with PDFs you combine through Acrobat plugin, not the ones you convert from Microsoft Word.

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The 3 matches the Used Item’s Type so it counts as $0 (free) from the Exclusive Offer rule.

While a valid trade, that example was from a time when you always had to trade three Items, where now it really only makes sense to trade a free Item when it will also result in Guild Standing. So, I will change that part of the scenario to avoid confusion.

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Edit: I now clarify that on the rules card.

Nah, you didn’t miss it. About month before I was going to release the PnP to TGC, I got signed to a publisher instead. I don’t think they have officially announced any info about the release yet for people to subscribe, but once they do, I will post it here and on BGG. Hope I have more news soon!

Yes, thanks for doing this and making it available to others.


Back in June of 2023, something happened to the PDFs where they didn't work with the preview function (of any web browser or application) anymore. Not sure if it was an Adobe update or what, but it's been a little frustrating.

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What do you need from me to allow Staples to approve it? An official copyright release? Them to see this thread that  "I, Gregg Jewell, am the rightful owner and creator of the Galdor's Grip print and play card game, including all associated print and play materials. I hereby grant anyone the non-exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and publicly display the aforementioned print and play version of the card game for personal purposes."

Btw, I use UPS store and upload the files online as an online print order and then pickup later once they're ready. Never had an issue.

have a full list of all extra letters/characters needed?

I don’t think there is any difference, just offering it on multiple platforms. I even had Galdor’s Grip on PnPArcade at one point but was iterating too much during development last year that I had to keep asking them to update files and images whereas gives me full control of uploads and page design.

I hadn’t really pursued a publisher for this game because I had planned to make expansions and improvements first. However, I lost the original card files and design notes and became disheartened. I really do need to re-examine this design this year and expand/improve upon it.

Sorry, I missed this. Let me know which ones you want. I can hunt them down and put into a gallery at some point sure.

It is kosher, I will have to hunt down the 825x1125 sizes. Worst case, I just add the bleed and resize the 750x1050. Remind me again this weekend about it.

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Thanks! Yeah, it’s a fun casual little game with some options to adjust difficulty.

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As far as I’m aware, it will be different art (by an illustrator) to preserve this version and incorporate tweaked elements in the new version.

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Which version is shown on the rules you're referencing and which version shows up on bottom of the cards? I assume you are referencing v4.X rules but playing with v5.X (or TGC 1.0) cards? In version 5.0+, the laurel wreath and varying value point system was replaced by the Power (star) system. Instead of a variable score with scoring chart, the game now requires a threshold of Power to win. This added another win/lose condition and more manageable tracking of score.

If you'd rather play with the old v4.X of the game, you can access those PnP card files here:

The Galdor/Feragot card is a double-sided "Forked Path" card that you get to choose which side is face up during setup (and will remain on that side for the entire game) . This unique card type, introduced in expansion 3, is further explained in v5.X of the rules, which can be download here on

All I can think of is that your PDF viewer is out of date?

Thanks for playing! Since the white die is a different color than both red and black, it’s the most flexible one to be manipulating.

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I custom-make most of my PnP so haven't used a print on demand service recently. I do have a link to the individual cards in both 750x1050px (2.5x3.5) and 825x1125 (to account for bleed) if needed. Here is the google drive link to the individual card files: I also plan to put this up on TheGameCrafter for people who want physical copies with a tuck box by the end of the year.

Correct, hence why it’s a free PnP. I credit the AI art on the official BGG game entry page.


Hmm, can you screen shot it? I don't see any difference in the card/art from previous versions.

Thank you! Will correct that today.

I appreciate your support!

Did you see the comments from Martin Borda on the Spanish file release devlog?

Hi, thanks Gregg for this beatiful game, and Nimu_301 for the translation!

I've spoted some issues (Core Set):

  • "LLAMA FRENÉNTICA" (Frenzied Flame) should be "Llama Frenética"
  • Producto de FERAGOT (Figment of Feragot): "Si esta carta ya estaba activa," should be "Si este lado ya estaba activo,"
  • Profundidades Profundas (Deeproot Depths): "Puede" should be "Puedes" (both sides)
  • Profundidades Profundas (Deeproot Depths): The (rotating) symbol should be right after "carta elegible" (both sides)
  • Agarre de GALDOR (Galdor's Grip): "Finaliza el juego," should be "finaliza el juego..."
  • Agarre de GALDOR (Galdor's Grip): The last sentence "necesitas al menos..." should be between "¡ !".
  • Producto de FERAGOT (Figment of Feragot) and Fortaleza de FERAGOT (Feragot's Fortress): "¡Pierde el juego!" should be "¡pierde el juego!"

A suggestion, instead of "Producto de FERAGOT", I would call them "Fruto de FERAGOT", although it is not an exact translation, it has the same meaning of something that comes from it, maintaining that beautiful "FF" name construction.

If you want to translate also the timing text:

  • "End of Game" > "Fin del Juego"
  • "Anywhere in Deck" > "Cualquier Lugar del Mazo"
  • "On Top of Deck" > "Arriba del Mazo"
  • "Moving to Bottom of Deck" > "Movimiento al Fondo del Mazo"

Thank you very much!

Best regards,
