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Greggo Movie Rants
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Hey there, appreciate your message! To answer your rules question, Film Degredation alters the win condition so the person who drew the lowest card total deals damage that turn, rather than the person who drew the highest total. The "bonuses and penalties are inverted" clause just specifies your boons do not become penalties, you add them as if the original rules apply. So as an example, under this rule, if you have an ability that normally grants a +1 to your total, it's now a -1 instead, reducing your total and increasing your chance at success (though if you wanted to make this rule twist harder, you could always ignore that clause and turn your boons into banes).
As for a physical release, that's coming very soon! There won't be any illustrations for monsters in the physical drop, as this game is designed to be a two-page brochure game, but maybe I'll consider it for a future game compilation release! Thank you for your interest and support!