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Gregory Weber

A member registered Jul 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yeah, the rotation pivot is a bit off (something I didn't realize until after the jam), which is my bad. And also yes, the car can go out of bounds at least in the first level. In the second and third level, the car slows down greatly. 

Really great idea and execution! Wished you uploaded the web gl version on itch tho :P. The only improvement I would make is that is was not obvious at all on what I was supposed to do. It took a couple of deaths to figure out how to progress (which you did say in the description).

Great aesthetic! Seems very inspired from superhot. Music is really great and upbeat. Dying is a bit uneventful. I like the mechanic of charging up the bullet, but didn't really use it much.  Also sticks quite well to the theme, which is good!

Yeah, I really didn't want to fall into the trap of rng being the only mechanic. You're right, in the third level, the scrambling happens at a set interval (I believe every 20 seconds) as like a transmission from the beacon. The failing mechanic is a bit annoying, mostly have it to reinforce the theme.

This is my submission for the GMTK game jam 2020. You control a robot car through a remote control, of which you can configure the input through wires. Guide the car to the flag in the time period. Careful, as your inputs can be scrambled, and your controls will change!

Overall, incredible game! The music is sooo good, honestly the best part of the game. It just oozes retro vibes. However, I cannot comment on gameplay mechanics, because I was unable to play the game (my computer would shut down a few seconds after launch, which I believe is a problem with my computer and not the game). What I comment on from the footage is that while the game feel is good, it could be a bit better. I love the mix between 2d and 3d, but for me personally I like a more 3d feel to these types of games. I can see that there is much more leaning towards a 2d look. A 3d look would be like the camera moving a bit with the player, or some screen shake when shooting bullets. Otherwise, the game looks really cool and I would love to play it!

(1 edit)

EDIT: Again thanks for the feedback! I have manage to add your suggestions in the game through the options menu.

Overall really good! Love the "game feel" with the wacky concept, the character models, and the name "Heatstroke Homestead". The only thing I would do is add stuff. There isn't much to do to influence your profits, and you can't lose (at least I don't think). Otherwise, fun game!

A surprising amount of depth in this tower defense game! Combining towers and refreshing shop is definitely really cool. And having the functionality like pausing and speeding up the game is really nice to have. The game is a bit easy though, I was not worrying about money or the enemies into the 3rd wave.

Great level design! The concept is also quite cool. I do have one piece of feedback. The physics on the water droplet is a little slow and could be a bit faster. Otherwise, a good game!

Thank you so much for the feature! You have  a really good quality youtube channel and definitely deserve more subscribers.

Nice game! Love the sprites, the animation, the trail behind the player. The movement is good as well. I'm just a little confused, as even with triple jump I can't reach the highest coins. Is that intended? Otherwise, great game!

Incredible the amount of polish and quality! Love the pixel art, love the opening music, love the feel and even the little dialogue between the two sides. Even putting in controller support!? That's dedication. One question I have is about using godot for this game. What are your thoughts of the engine? I've always thought about trying to learn it, but can't seem to find the place to start. 

Anyways, great game, one tweak I would do is reduce the time on the zoom out of the character on the city. Feels too long after seeing it more than once.