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A member registered Sep 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for including my little game. :) Making a ready-to-run package is probably doable and a great idea. But it all depends if it's legal to include Scala Player. Have to look into that.

Hi, sorry for the delay. A mod-fixed version is uploaded.

I don't think there is any way to run Scala in a window. Not out of the box anyway, perhaps there is a hack available?

Three? Only two are included in the lha-file as far as I can see.

Earlier versions of Scala handle fonts differently so I have uploaded a compatibility version in the latest release, it should work fine with Scala MM300 (v50.x). The fonts are smaller but still readable.

I've read the manual and it should probably be enough if you remove the attribute value "kerning" from all rows starting with "ATTRIBUTE ...". 

Hi, thanks for the bug report. I'm running version 51.22. You can remove all lines starting with "ATTRIBUTE ..."

Only difference will be that the texts is not as nice. No shadows, 3D-effects and outlines. But totally readable in the game. Let me know if that solves the problem.

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Hi, I'm thinking of using Scala MM400 to create a point and click adventure. Is it OK to use Scala in this Jam? 

I'm asking because you'll need Scala to run the game. (A standalone executable can't be created with Scala.)

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Thanks, I'll fix that. (corrected in v1.0.1)


Hi, thanks for the screenshot. 

Sure thing. Consider it done! :)

No, you'll need an Amiga to run it.

(1 edit)

Unpack the files to any location on your Amiga (real or emulated). Open a Shell and change to the directory where you unpacked the files. Start by typing "ADMSplay adventure1.adms" in the shell (without the quotes).

Neat stuff!