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A member registered Mar 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing! 

Your feedback is great, and I'll definitely consider a quick version for future releases.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

I'd love that! Please make sure you credit Grismund Games and link to the original English version as the source

Thanks for checking!

Thank you for doing it justice! I'm honored that you picked this project, and that you devoted your time and creativity to sharing it with others! 

Great feedback! Thank you for investing your time in this game. It's so exciting to see people sharing the beauty of this experience!

I would love to hear details about your multiplayer experience! If you're on Reddit, you can post it to the game's community here:

Or you can email me:


I got chills just reading over the rules!

Such a compelling game! Candles are magical, and this game harnesses that to it's fullest. A perfect game for the family on a Summer night after grilling out.

This is such a beautiful and elegant game!!! 

Its very well-structured and well-paced.

I love the tension of seedlings dying before Spring arrives. It makes the survivors feel very special indeed. This really fits the theme of the Jam!

Beautiful work!

...and you just brought a little light to my day! 

I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks for the update!

Just for fun, and in the spirit of this jam, reply with the 4 words that describe you. 

Example for myself: 

Systems. Oddities. Learning. Exploring.

What kind of collaboration are you looking for?

I'm curious how you used the Caltrop Core system. Did you use it straight out of the box, or did you customize it? How much? 

Link your project, so we can take a look!