Nice one :).
Recent community posts
I got to lvl 180, then manually exited the game (with still 3 core health remaining and strength to do another cca 10 levels I think). Combats got quite lengthy:
- Although Crow is much faster than in previous versions, it still took few minutes to resolve attack 5k.
- Since lvl cca 160, enemies stopped to scale exponentially...why?
- Also shops stopped appearing after lvl cca 160...I was still looking for one specific follower :).
Except the last lengthy levels, it was very enjoyable run :).
Hi, I got some additional feedback:
- When I have Aspiring Prospector, its attack boost at the start of the combat doesn't increase attack of non-adjacent Familiars - but Prospector should be adjacent to all, so he should boost all Familiars I think.
- When I have a Crow with high attack (4300, see screenshot), random damage dealing becomes extremely slow (like 2-3 arrows / second), and the game is unplayable. I suggest changing the mechanics of random damage dealing, for example like this: There can be maximum of 30 (or choose other quantity) arrows from one source. Damage of these arrows will be be approximately [Attack/30] (their sum will be Crow attack). For example if Crow attack is 40, first 10 arrows will do 2 damage and next 20 arrows will do 1 damage. If attack is 300, there will be 30 arrows with 10 damage. For attack <= 30 nothing changes.
Edit: With this change there can be an imbalance with that enemy which takes only one damage at a time - crow won't be so effective against it.

Great game, thanks for update!
I also got to the last level 137.
My squad:
- Mirroring Incarnator - all followers are resurrected twice. Beekepers' bees get multiplied by this a lot
- Undying Beekeeper- cannon fodder
- Mirroring Beekeper - cannon fodder
- Sacrificial Obelisk - generates another Beekeper and triggers Stranger's ability
- Adaptive Stranger - consume 3 faith to gain +1/+1 permanently (x2 for adaptive, x2 for Obelisk)
- Adaptive Familiar - gets +8/+8 each battle, damage dealer
- Aspiring Initiate - damage dealer
- Charging Familiar - damage dealer
If I could find second Aspiring trait, I would probably change Undying Beekeeper with another damage dealer and move it to last position - Aspiring Crow (a lot of random damage), or Aspiring Prospector (to boost itself and both Familiars - I hope prospector's ability works this way, haven't tried yet). The damage output would be much higher with this and fights quicker :).
I really enjoyed this run.
One feedback: Combats got quite lengthy at the end (because of a lot of bees :)) - x3 or x4 speed boost would be nice, but current x2 is bearable. I'd like if speed boost would apply to travelling between levels, too.
Great game!
I have few tips/questions:
- I have problem with finishing Elementalist challenge. I won final fight with only fire (red), water (blue) and lightning (yellow healing) cards, but challenge hasn't been finished. I tried twice. Are yellow cards also counting as elemental (they should be (air/ether), or it should explicitly be stated that they are not)? Or maybe all the slots need to be elemental? In that case it should be noted in challenge description (But I think that having also all elemental slots would be too dependent on luck during card acquisition).
- And maybe you can add card rarity (common, legendary, etc.) and type (elemental/normal) into each card description?
- Add possibility to exit to menu from the game (now I have to refresh whole page in browser)
- After one game Collector challenge showed to be finished, but in fact it hasn't been, and in challenge list it is still (correctly) unchecked. So it seems to be notification bug after fight.
- Allow scrolling through cards list with mouse wheel
- How to use egg cards? Adding temporary bonus to slot, but at the same time filling this slot, seems to have almost no use.
Great game, I've been playing it occasionally for months now.
One feedback for version 11: Items in shop are sparkling, even if it is not possible to merge them with currently owned items right away. Especially at the later stages of game this results in confusion because of lot of sparks. I think that previous logic was better - sparkles were only on the items that can be merged with owned items right away.
For this sole reason I'm staying with older version 10.
Great game, I donated :).
Some expansion would be definitely cool.
I have some minor suggestions:
1. During the fight, it would be handy to see right away how many spells does each book have left (maybe instead of book number (which is superfluous I think - book position is evident) or in addition to it (with some other color?)). Currently I have to pause and scroll through all the books to find out how many spells are remaining.
2. When I hit space during visual effect of attack, a bat curse etc., the game does not pause. Instead it could remember that I've hit pause and pause after the effect ends.
3. At final statistics show also gold earned.
Nice game, thanks.
I suggest adding time measuring, so people can compete for the best time when replaying the game. Now I have to measure it myself.
Of course also global time chart for all players would be cool :), but I guess that would be much more work.
PS: My best time is 10:19 so far. What's yours?
Hello, excellent game.
I have one suggestion - when I have mouse cursor over left menu (basic or extensions), try to click an action (eg. Build Town, Collector, ...), but miss it and instead click an area next to the button, my player moves in that direction. It would be better if the piece wouldn't move (so the cursor focus will be on menu area, not "under" it on the map).
I don't know if there could be a problem after this change thatsome area on the left will be unreachable - it depends how maps are generated (if there is always some water space on the left), or scrolling on the left edge can be extended a little bit, that the most left map field will be always reachable.
Thank you.