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A member registered Nov 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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At the moment, you can only swap the genders of two characters: Rex (the prota) and Rin (his gf). The prota turns from male to female, and his gf from female to male.

Me alegra que te haya encantado! Este mes saldrá la nueva versión 😉

I'm almost ready for the upcoming release, which will definitely come this month. Thanks for your support!

Greetings, Ashen One.

To achieve this task, your allies must ascend in power. Their strength must be nurtured.

Peer into their world, where you may alter their hues. There, the level required shall be revealed. Tend to them well; only then can they change their colors.

Hahaha, sorry, I don't know other games like mine in all the content.

I'm working on the next release! :D

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It depends on what part of the game you are referring to, whether it's about gameplay or specific content/fetishes.

I'm glad you like the furry content that much!

It was my pleasure. Then, did you solve it by changing some settings on your phone?

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It seems Android 14 added a new block for those apps made for older Android versions. Before this new rule, we could run any app, even if it wasn't optimized for Android 14.

If you search about it on Google, you will find this: "Android 14 has introduced a new security restriction that disallows apps that have a targetSDK of 23 or lower (app that have been developed for Android prior to Android 6). Starting with Android 14, apps with a targetSdkVersion lower than 23 can't be installed. (3 mar 2024)".

Since I made this build (0.37) on Unity 2018, it doesn't have the configuration to build an app for Android 14. 

I updated Unity to version 2022 last week, but the first Android build made for this new version is version 0.38. This new version should work fine for API levels between 22 and 34.

Gracias, si! Ese error ya fue corregido creo desde esta version 0.37 que liberé ayer, muchas gracias por notificarnos.

Hola, podrías describir a detalle en qué consiste ese bug? Hace poco repare un bug relacionado a esa escena, pero no sé si sea el mismo porque no especificaste lo que sucede.

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If you subscribe through my Subscribestar or Patreon, yes, you will get the newly released versions (while you're subscribed), but if you buy the version at this place (, you only get the current version, not future versions.

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I updated Unity 2018 to 2022, and now the Android release should work well! The first Android release with the new Unity version 2022 will be the version 0.38

I suggest you wait a little while; I will release a new version, probably this Friday!

Yes, probably they are using a newest Unity version than me in the case they use Unity.

I Googled it, and it seems Android 14 is blocking you the apps with a lower API level than 34.

As Unity 2018 (the one I used to make my game) is limited to API level 30 (Android 11), your new phone is blocking the Android release of Sex Gods.

I need to update my Unity to a newer version (at least 2020), but doing so could cause compatibility problems, so I can't do it right now.

I will try to update my Unity after releasing the upcoming version, but depending on the game's incompatibility, I will decide if updating is an option.

By now, what you can do is:

  1. Play other game versions (Windows, Mac, Android, Web GL).
  2. Continue playing the Android version on a compatible phone.
  3. Look for a guide about "Android 14 error app not installed as app isn't compatible with your phone." It seems you can make your phone skip that block, but as I haven't an Android 14, I can't test the guides Google shows me.

That's very strange. I didn't put any restrictions in the Android settings for the newest versions; indeed, it only needs a minimum of Android 4.1, and the maximum is open to the highest installed.

I use Android 12, and it goes well on my phone; unfortunately, I can't set version 14  because:

  1.  I use Unity 2018; the maximum version available to set as a minimum is Android 11.
  2. If I could pick version 14 as the minimum, I wouldn't do it either because that would leave most of the players unavailable to play it.

But what is the situation? Does the game close or freeze, and when?

You got a better phone than your previous one, and the game is not working?

(Mensagem feita por um tradutor) Olá! Ainda bem que gostaste do meu jogo, e sim, vou acrescentar mais cenas desse tipo no futuro.

Not exactly like a way, but you can avoid it because most of futa scenes are build for you, so if you don't do it you don't see it

It already has an Android version

There is one scene that some players saw as gay content. The game has the option to turn Rin into a man temporarily, and you can make Rin have sex with Rex while in that form; you can see it as gay content, but I don't consider it that way because Rin is a woman.

However, the game will have gay (male) characters in the future.

Hello, I'm glad you like my game! Thanks!

The upcoming online version will be playable, but the rest of the versions (Windows, Android, Mac, Linux) are always playable, and you can download them for free or buy the latest version of the game in any of its two options: the normal version, the cheats version (more about it in the information of the game, under the playable online version).

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I understand your eagerness to see it, but I'm afraid it won't be included in the upcoming version. However, please know that it's on my roadmap for a future release. I prioritize and plan each version carefully, and this time, I'll be focusing on other content. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Sorry, I don't speak that language. I only speak English and Spanish, so I used Google Translator to understand your message, and it looks like this:"I have a mission to help the heroine. But after helping the heroine, the system still tells her to help the heroine."

If you're talking about saving Rin, this part of the game is still under construction, so you will need to wait a little more to be able to save her; right now, there is some advance for this rescue, but only around 50%.

But! After finishing the improved version of the bears and the fitness girl at the park, I removed old assets, and guess what? The upcoming version 0.36 will be able to be played on because it decreased its size well enough.

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I contacted them, and after some weeks of chatting and doing things here and there, they said they couldn't increase the size limit. They can only increase the size limit of the other updated files, not the limit size for the online version.

Posiblemente el mes que entra

You need to subscribe to my Subscribestar in the 10 USD tier as a minimum.

Yes, and you also have the volume options in the pause menu.

Yes, I know what you mean. That happens to my previous smartphone, too; it seems the game uses more resources than available when loading the second screen (the game), so the game crashes.

The upcoming version will alow you to select the resolution, but the current version, actually is in the lower resolution Unity allows me.

I'm glad you like the game! Thanks!

Also, I will add your request to my "players suggestions list"; thanks for sharing your idea!

Note: adding the idea to my list doesn't means the feature will be added as soon as possible; it means I will add it when I have free time.

I think it will be ready this week! 

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There is only one Sex God at the beginning of the game; the goal is to turn your MC (Rex) into a new Sex God, but more NPC are trying to become the second Sex God.

The game name is Sex Gods because, in the end, will exists more than one Sex God.

No, because in the game, sex is a whole thing, not many tiny things.

Hello, I replied in F95 Zone through a private message; please tell me where you prefer to talk about it.

At this moment, you can't hide the dialog; indeed, I never thought about it, but it could be a good idea. I will add it to my list of possible things to add to my game; thanks!

Please read our "quick guide" (step 36.3); the link is in the description.

The full change-log link is included in the description, but if you are talking about the new story part of version 0.33, it includes that part of the game (1 of 4) and one 'bad ending.'