This is one of the best WIP IFs I have played thus far and it super scratches the itch I have for "hostile decadent royal court simulator" that's plagued me in recent times. I love how complex the characters are, particularly the parents, and I love how much we're given free rein to shape Mordred's personality.
I myself played him as an emotional, teary-eyed wreck who's nonetheless unfailingly sweet and genuinely kind whenever he can, but is nursing a festering resentment that is aggravated by both Morgana's words and his mistreatment at the hands of the court and Lot. He's also desperate for affection and falls in love way too easily with literally anyone who will give it to him. And I am so happy this IF allows me to play a character just as complex as the ones around him.
The writing was superb barring some spelling mistakes, and every character felt human - even the dragons. I did set my dragon as being fearsome and vicious (towards those who are not Mordred) and didn't feel like I saw enough of that, but I understand if that's impractical for the story. They're precious anyway.
Thank you for your hard work and I can't wait to see the rest of the (maybe ill-fated thanks to my actions) wedding!