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A member registered Dec 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Unity decided to take 20 minutes to build the game.
Even though it's incomplete and buggy, we were still proud enough to post it here if anyone is interested.

Thank you for taking the time to try the game. Thank you for bringing this bug to my attention. It seems as though on certain textboxes if you try to skip the text before it is completely written, it will softlock the game. You can still play the game as long as you let the text type itself out. Unfortunately, this can not be fixed and updated until the jam is over. So very sorry this made it in the game. Hope you can enjoy the game after the jam. (Let's be honest, nobody will) 

It's a cute and charming little game! It was hard for me to get used to only being able to press one direction button at a time, but it follows the theme with the work put into the enemy's vision and the levels. Best of all, the little spin the character does before going into sneak mode put a smile on my face the first time I saw it. Thanks for making it!

I played before and after the game speed was increased, and I can say it helps quite a bit. Some more information on what the alarm does might help, since sometimes setting it off didn't matter (unless I missed that) The line for writing the actions starting on the right side would have also been nice since after my plan didn't work, I had to press the right key a bunch of times. I only bring up those few gripes since it was hard to find fault in much else. Besides that, I think the visuals of the game are great! From the menu screen to the animations on the robot. It's all clear while having its own style. Hope you had fun making it because I for sure enjoyed playing it!

Thank you! I tried my best for my first jam.

Interesting Story, but the gameplay was a little lacking. I can appreciate all the work you put into it tho. Neat game!

Yo, neat game! I did have a bug pop up when I entered Emily's house where an enemy caught me while a dialog box was on screen. It sent me back while the dialog box was stuck on the screen. The game would no longer let me interact with objects or progress. Other than that I got a kick out the plot of the game, Well done.