In case anyone wants to play the less-bugged version of the game:
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Thanks for checking it out! FTL was the first thing that came to mind when I heard power! Throw in a lil enviro-bear and that's pretty much what I was aiming for :D
That was one of the bugs I found after submission :'( I had to refactor the entire location/fake-3D system on the last day and forgot to flip a sign for mob patrols... That meant that the mobs would establish a home base and then immediately just... float directly away from it. Oops. Another bug made Grabbers immortal, though, so... probably best that you didn't find one anyway.
If you want to check it out, I have a version with fewer bugs linked on the game page. Not for the jam, of course, but it includes the final two quests that you get after killing a grabber, plus a happy ending :)
I found critical bugs after closing... if you'd rather check out the fixed version, it's here: