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A member registered Jul 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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I get "getting feed [err]: could not find resource" when I try to paste

Since you have an account, check out this page while logged in:

Hi! You could either use the Itch App that updates the game automatically, or you can re-download the game using your download link/itch account. See here:

FYI: There is now a simple file, just open it to get going!

Ok, it's up again, 2 years later. Haha :p
Internet play should now be working again! Just make sure to allow it through the firewall.

I found myself listening to the Arcology Dreams soundtrack again and again, really nice!

I'm taking the master server down temporarily, just fyi. Playing locally or over LAN still works of course!

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Hi! You can dynamically change the length of the rope by creating a custom script that modifies the length multiplier. If you set it to 0.9, the rope will become 90% of its original length and so on. In your custom script, do something like: GetComponent<Rope>().simulation.lengthMultiplier = myScaleVariable;

Hope this helps!


Ok I changed my mind about this and lowered the price instead, let's see what happens...

Yea I decided to increase the price because of the low number of sales. Maybe you'll be able to catch it on a sale!

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No, it should be really straightforward. I can add it to the next version!

Regarding increasing the number of time steps, you can do this in two ways:

a) Decrease the Physics.fixedDeltaTime value: This can potentially have a large effect on the performance, depending on how complex the physics in your scene is in general. It will result in much better interactions between the rigid bodies and the ropes in the scene though!

b) Increase the number of sub-steps of a particular rope: This has very little performance impact as that part of the code is really fast. The downside is that it mostly affects the rope in question only.

Hi! The rope is subject to the gravity that is set up in the physics settings multiplied by the "Gravity Multiplier" property under "Simulation". So you can for example make a single rope stop being influenced by gravity by setting the multiplier to 0 for that rope, but you cannot make it fall in a different direction than the gravity of the scene (at the moment). Is this something you would like to have?

Hi again.. cutting is now supported in the latest version! :)

Thank you for the nice words! Cutting is not supported at the moment but I have it on my list of things to consider for the next update :)

Hi again, I've uploaded version 1.03 just now and it should fix the issue you're having!

Nope, this is a completely custom solution built with the Burst compiler in mind.

Great! Seaside Racing:

Hi and thank you for the kind words!

I've recently been told about this and I think it's a bug. I'm about to investigate it and hopefully fix it as the next item on my todo-list. When I do you'll see it mentioned in the release-notes of a new version.

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1. The spawn points let you decide the initial shape of the rope, so the number of them that you use is totally up to you (it doesn't influence the performance in any way, the resolution and total length of the rope does however).

2. Is your ground a non-convex mesh collider perhaps? See this under "Current Limitations" above:

Collisions work with convex Mesh, Box, Sphere and Capsule colliders only

3. That's exactly a use case for multiple spawn points. If you need more fine-grained control of the shape, I suggest that you spawn the rope and then set each particle position using a custom script (for that you can see what functions to use in the README).

Hope this helps! I'll be away on vacation for 2 weeks starting tomorrow so if you have further questions please send an email through my website and I'll get back to you when I come back.


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Hi! The game was originally made using the XNA framework and released for the Xbox 360. I recently ported it to PC and for this I used MonoGame. XNA/MonoGame is really more of a framework than an engine though, and I had to program all of the networking and physics code myself :)

I think you need to "cd" into the directory of the game before running it. This is not ideal I know, sorry for the inconvenience!

If you download the app and run the game through it, it should "just" work :)

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I'm glad you like it :) Thank you for taking the time to write this post!

The original plan was to first port the game and then slowly add new content over time, but other projects came up and progress stopped. There are, however, 2 new karts that are almost finished and a few new maps that are in the planning stages (me and some friends started making them a few years ago). I've recently gotten a job and might have some free time to do totally non-profitable work in the coming months, messages like this makes me want to start working on this again :)

Not in its current state. I have been thinking about adding this but there are no concrete plans. What would you like to use it for?

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The ropes seem stretchy because the mouse interaction script is infinitely strong and forces the rope to be pulled along no matter its strength. You can take a look at the ropes that are free to swing without the mouse pulling them (the crane for example) for a more realistic scenario. Use the up and down arrow on the keyboard to rotate the drum of the crane. (I should  maybe update the demo and make the mouse less strong as quite a few people comment on this)

That said, it's difficult to get perfectly stiff ropes while keeping the simulation stable, there will always be a small amount of stretch. To increase stiffness, one can a) lower the physics time step b) increase the solver iteration count and/or c) lower the resolution of the rope.

UPDATE: I've uploaded an .apk file that you can test on your target phone!

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Actually, the demo scene runs at a solid 60 fps on my old Fairphone 2 (Snapdragon 801), so it should definitely work with the Quest! At least as long as the scenes are not overly complex.

I just had to make sure that I had the Android SDK & NDK Tools installed via Unity Hub and everything worked out-of-the-box :)

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Hi everyone,

I could not justify paying for keeping the master server (which connects players to each other for online play) up, so it expired. I am planning to put up a new one some time in the near future though, but in the meantime, local play is the only way to go. I'll let you know once the server is up again!

Thanks for playing!

Seaside Racing is an unforgiving physics-based multiplayer kart racing game in which you drive soapbox cars down perilous mountain roads by the seaside. In contrast to most kart racing games, the game does not help the player in any way. If you hit a wall, you're probably going to do a somersault and start tumbling down the road. If you get lost, no turtle on a cloud will find you and bring you back to the road. The game is really meant to be played with others and the madness increases exponentially with the number of players! Up to 12 players over the Internet and up to 4 players on the same computer.

Itch page:

Please reply with your feedback if you decide to buy it!

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Hello everyone,

I'm Gustav and I made a kart-racing game called Seaside Racing nearly 10 years ago at the end of high-school. I had made games since I was a kid but never finished anything big and this was my "re-invent the wheel" project that I swore to finish. I made my own physics engine, graphics, 3d models (in my own 3d model format with exporters for Blender), textures and even sound effects (the kart engine sound is me trying to sound like a car). The game took 2 years to make, the first year in my spare time after school and the second year at home while trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

Finally, I released the game on Xbox Live Indie Games in 2010, right before leaving home for university. The week after release, I remember sitting up in the middle of the night playing the game with people on the other side of the world (the game sold enough for a critical mass of online players in the U.S. only, and I'm from Sweden), hearing them shout, laugh and curse the game over the wire. It didn't matter if they liked or hated the game, the fact that they were playing was overwhelming. Those nights made all the hard work worth it. (If you want to get an idea of what it was like, look at the videos of the game other people have uploaded here)

One night I got into a game with maybe 6 other players, we were racing on Hills (the game only has 3 maps) and everything went well until the bend onto the grass fields. Suddenly, all other players made a tight 90 degree turn towards the cliffs at the far side of the fields. I remember thinking, "I made this game, there is nothing there to see, why is everyone going there?". One after the other the other players hit the cliff wall of the edge of the map, bounced, pitched up and then drove straight up the wall! Someone must have explored the map looking for short-cuts and realized that one could drive over the mountains, something I had not planned at all, and then this secret must have spread to the other online players. I love this kind of emergent multiplayer behavior and this is something I want to explore more if I get to make another big game some day.

I started university and almost forgot about the game. Sometimes I would get an email from someone who enjoyed the game and I would get the same unreal feeling I had when playing the game after release. It's really cool to be able to make something that someone on the other side of the world can experience. I have a few games that I played as a kid that I'll always remember (Triplane Turmoil, Elasto Mania and many more) and it's strange to think that someone had a similar experience working on them as well.

One really nice memory from this time was a movie night at the dormitory I was living at while at university. Towards the end of the evening, I set up my Xbox to show off the game. After playing a few races in split-screen, someone joined the game over the Internet. I didn't think anyone played the game anymore so I was surprised. Then a few more players joined and we started racing while listening to the voice chat (we didn't have a headset ourselves). After a while someone said that they recognized my nickname and "Maybe he is the CREATOR?!". To verify that it was me they sent an email via my website and I replied straight away. That resulted in something along the lines of "OH MY GOD IT IS THE CREATOR! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!". It turned out that a group of friends from Indiana used to play the game a lot and they showed me many exploits that they had found over the years. After that evening, I got the nickname "the creator" at the dorm :)

I kept getting emails about the game every other month and not only from the Indiana guys. At first, people wanted new content and then, as the Xbox 360 began to get obsolete, people started asking for a PC port. Last summer (after yet another nice email) I finally decided to port the game to Windows, macOS and Linux. It took about 7 months of part-time work since I had to re-implement the networking backend that Microsoft used to provide with XNA and Xbox Live, create my own avatars, optimize the game and redo the input system. After a lot of hard work, the re-mastered version of the game is now available here on Itch!

As you've probably heard many times, releasing a game with no marketing effort is bad. I want to stress that it's bad even if you don't care about money. You probably want people to play it (even if it's just a silly, pretty bad, game like this one!) and that wont happen either. After about a week of bad download numbers (compared to the initial Xbox release), I made the game free-to-play. Let's hope that brings some new players to the game :)

I'm going to look into the legit sound bug, thanks for examining it so thoroughly!

Regarding the not-sure-bugs: The sound in general has been a low priority, I wanted to first focus on the gameplay, networking and graphics. That said, I would like to improve it in the future and I would love to get some happy music for the game some day, that is the long-term plan. The down-pitch of the engine is meant to break up the repetitiveness a bit and can be explained as the player shifting gear (at least sometimes :)

Thanks! Please rate the game if you have the time :)

Seaside Racing community · Created a new topic Known issues
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Let's use this topic to keep a list of known issues with the game. Simply add a reply with your problem and I'll try my best to get it sorted out.

Known issues

  • The UI is not very clear about if a player is ready to start the race or not or what button should be used to "ready up" (ui updated in 1.0.2)
    • Currently, the player nickname is slightly transparent when not ready and opaque when ready
  • The game can have trouble connecting to remote sessions on macOS, restarting the game usually fixes the problem. I'm investigating the issue..
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Is your generic gamepad unusable in the game? Follow the instructions below:

Seaside Racing uses a framework called SDL for graphics and controller input. SDL has a database of known gamepad mappings that the game can use. If you have a generic gamepad that is not in this database you will not be able to use it with the game out of the box. Don't worry though, it is easy to add gamepad mappings for unknown gamepads.

In order to add a gamepad mapping, download the SDL2 Gamepad Tool here, follow the instructions to map your gamepad, then click "Set Mapping As Environment Variable" and restart your computer. You should now be able to use the gamepad the next time you start up the game!

Seaside Racing community · Created a new topic Welcome!
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Hello and welcome to the Seaside Racing community!

Let's keep this message board focused on the game and please be nice to each other. Don't hesitate to create a post if you have any feedback on the game. Have fun!

Release notes


  • The Itch app is no longer necessary to play over the Internet
  • Fixed a rare master server crash bug


  • Added a small text showing the number of spectators (players waiting to join) there are in a session (only shown if >0)
  • Added the ability for the host of a session to restart the race (and choose a new map)


  • Show what key to press to "ready up" before a race starts
  • Always bring up a menu when Escape is pressed, even if a player does not use the "Keyboard 1" mappings
  • Fixed bug where players could not play online if they had a "." in the path to the game executable (most common on Linux)


  • Initial public release
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I've started a Discord server for people who want to talk to each other while playing the game. Please be nice to each other!

Working on it!