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Gear Worx Productions

A member registered Sep 25, 2015 · View creator page →

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I am not sure if you have been here or not but visit the discord: I am the game dev and if I am not awake at the time you visit, the community there will be glad to help out. The game does not hold hands at all and some puzzles require out-of-the-box thinking. The hint is already there for the safe, Date - Dates is the key. Anyway I hope to see you in the discord.

Thank you very much I am so glad you enjoyed it. Episode 2 is coming very soon.

Hello I or we (Community) would be more than willing to help, also you can be kept up to date on episode 2 and beyond - see you there

Yea I might update this at some point :) Just got a full plate with case file :)

Currently it is not a seated experience, however I am looking at adding that in the future App Lab build, if you bought the itch version be sure to check your e-mail for your app lab key. If not come to my discord and I will help. 

Awesome glad you have it now and are enjoying it :) More to come asap.

Episode 2 is coming in a free update asap :)

To many keys to do that so come to Discord I am on there now , so I can sort it. Thanks.

GWPGearWorx - Lets talk there so I can sort it out instead of itch. Chat soon.

I sent out all of the App Lab keys this morning to the email that was used for said purchase, if you are having an issue finding it come to my discord and message me. It is on App Lab only now as it makes it easier for users to buy, update e.t.c so when patches or episodes are released it just makes it much more stream lined. Chat soon.

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Thanks for reaching out! It's not a bug you have not found all evidence, the more you find the more sub evidence is unlocked. 2.0 makes this much clearer (Coming soon) Anyway Emailing you now to help. Take care.

Yes it is an APK file inside a "ZIP" this version was quite big. So I compressed it.

You are very welcome. 2.0 is    coming soon!

Hello Alaskaman; The puzzle is actually very simple and can be beat in very few moves. The trick it to get all of the blocks down before it will open, you can also press the same button more than once. When you press a button a block in each direction will go down with it. However if an adjacent block is down already it will pop back up. So again the trick is to have all buttons down.

Kindest Regards.

(1 edit)

Oh god no I have not given up been busting my back side with 2.0 update which is a complete overhaul, visuals and gameplay mechanics from scratch, to do two things A) Solidify the core mechanics for episode 2 and beyond. B) Listening to feed back to improve it all around. 2.0 is a WHOLE new beast. If possible you can visit the discord here:  as I post updates there and also chat with players e.t.c So no FAR FAR FAR from dead LOTS in the works, just have to remember I am a team of one, I am doing it all and that's a big undertaking. Thanks much and I hope to see you there. Kindest Regards.

Thanks much for your support. More content coming in the new year.

Thanks much!

Awesome thanks for your support! I hope you like it :) Feel free to visit my Discord if you need anything! -