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A member registered Nov 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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the bug still exists, sadly. if you sleep without doing anything then sleeping works totally fine, the text pops up and only this error will show:

However sometimes resting after farming for a bit will make a null error show up and nightime will never end: 

I also had the same issue. I use firefox for itch games. When I open my web console I do see a few errors pop up that look like they are related to the game. there's a couple more that couldn't fit into the screenshot, but there's several calls on sprites not working, and other stuff like that. I'm not sure what's causing the issue though, since it seems to work on some computers and not others, but hopefully this points you into the right direction.

Hello! I was the giftee for the game! I think this is really cool. I can't tell if the levels are procedurally generated but if they are then that's a nice touch. I'm not very good at the controls yet but I think planning your mines and  even using the enemies to open up some paths are nice. I will leave some criticism but  i am aware that small games/game jam games are just, hard to polish. So I never expected the game to be perfect! 

Near the corners of the map the HUD tends to disappear behind the border, but luckily this doesn't happen where the player actually needs to go so this is super minor, it only happens around the extreme boarder around the game. Another small issue is that junk never seems to clear itself, so spamming the tutorial for tons of junk is possible. Dying also never clears how much junk someone has.  And a way to speed up text OR a way to skip the beginning cutscene could have been cool but the game is short enough that its not a big deal. 

Everything else about the game is really nice, the aesthetics and sound  design go together really nicely, and even though I'm not used to the controls yet nothing ever feels "unfair". The controls make sense and even though the game is simple having a few different tools makes planning fun to do in the game.  I like it a lot and i can tell a lot of care and detail went into this game! 

It could be my internet but the HTML5 version of this game runs slightly slow, BUT once i ran the downloaded version it seemed to work as intended! I really like the art for the game a lot, and i like seeing what things i can do in the game! I don't think i found every secret in it but i managed to get a couple endings. Definitely a cool game! 

Coming from someone who rarely plays rpgs: the last three fights were very hard to figure out, so i ended up cheating to the ending, but it was nice that feature was there so that way the end of the game could be seen! the art itself is really nice! and i like the idea of being able to have more then one timeline in a fight! its simple but i think it gets the idea across well! 

short but really fun! Learning how to manage the random moves that pop up is an interesting idea, and i really like the art! I would have liked more BUT i totally understand since this is made for a jam!

i didn't have time to add art for a tutorial and i didn't want people to miss the instructions