Thanks for playing the game! We appreciate the kind words! Well make sure to update the description, with the info, but You can only buy one tower of each type and the eye tower has a red zone beneath it that damages enemies! helps with thinning the enemies so you dont get overwhelmed :)
Feed back for you: Vary the bounce noise, was repetitive after listening to it. Maybe directional. I so wish the ball despawn when not moving. I was so close to winning, and it died :(
Hey, I'm sorry to hear that what OS and browser are you using? It seems to work fine when played in browser, but i want to see if there's a bug somewhere
Well done, for a first game, I'm proud of what you did! Keep it up!
Thoughts: more animation frames to help the little guy look smoother Longer, maybe some small mechanics Focus a bit on the alchemy and shadow themes, play with lighting!