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A member registered Jan 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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I am not sure, if I understand your request ...

The animations are looped infinitely ... until you press a button ('X') ... or end after 1-2 repetitions if set to Auto in the menu ...

As of now it´s public version 0.43 ... it´s a WIP (Work In Progress) ... there is no known end to the community ...

I am sure, the dev has a certain goal for the plot ... but I am not aware of him, to spoiler us on that ...

Yupp ... auto animation off ... observe ... and now Sasha has a little extra ...

Are there more features hidden when auto animation is on ?

Are Dick Implantation attacks meant to initiate Futa Mod after enough corruption ?

Sasha recieved about 40 attacks on a fake dick ... but no visible changes ... yet the Ero Stats show this ...

Are the sliders for Uterus Weight and Testicles Weight twisted ?

Planet 03018 has no breathable atmosphere ...

When Sasha lands without an Oxygen Tank she experiences continous damage each step on the surface ... even inside the caves she keeps suffocating ...

If Sasha runs out of Oxygen on the surface, she starts suffocating again ... if she runs out of Oxygen inside the caves, she keeps breathing as usual ...

Is that a glitch/exploit ?

This question keeps popping up on other forums as well ...

How about a Tutor Item (like Ship Battle etc) that explains how to switch companions, teach them skills and arm them ?

"Wer im Glashaus sitzt, sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen" - German Saying -

The skill Stone Throwing is bugged ... it deals damage to all members of the casters group ... nice if you face a bunch of ants ... bad if your ant companion tries to use it ...

For both versions I started a fresh game ... otherwise the bodymods would have been active already ... I could have turned them off ...  but then I wouldn´t know, if the corruption works as intended ...

I didn´t count the attacks ... but Anal Pregnancy, Breast Pregnancy and Throat Pregnancy are active too by now ... guess it works like planned ...

v0.31 - about 90 minutes in game -

Whilst retrieving the Prison Keycard on Planet 2013 ... Womb Pregnancy enabled itself ... it works ...

v0.30 no changes even on reaching Galaxy 3 ... then I updated to v0.31 ...

As of v0.30 Sasha´s body is supposed to change on it´s own ...

7. Sasha body will change by itself now, body mod is an alternative way to speed up the process. (For example, if Sasha breed too much with her boobs, she will unlock an extra size as added in Ver0.2+)

After two hours in game ... and tons of violation to Sasha ... I haven´t noticed any  changes on her ...

Does she have to volunteer to Womb Modification to initialize the process ?

On volcanic/hot planets you can mine for Oil ... place a Liquid Harvester on the drop icon in the cave ... Harvesters are sold at the Store in Galaxy 2 ...

There are already upgrades for the weapons (damage,accuracy,type), shield and energy-core ... they (the recipes) are just not yet unlocked ... hull upgrades and the right weapon are glitched/bugged right now (v0.26) ...

The decontamination bay is a good idea ... we all know the pleasure of a hot(cold) shower after a stressful day of work ...

Maybe an activator (blue cylinder)  near the landing portal or inside the lab ... automatically add and use a Cleaning Kit (lvl 1) plus a Clothing Repair Kit (lvl 2) plus a Purge Kit (lvl 3) and reduce ship energy by 5/10/15 units ...

Could that work ?

Have you tried to reduce the visual effects (Screen) in Options Menu ? - Depending on your rig they might have a great impact on FPS ...

The RS is sold at the store ... for 700 bytes ...