Filenames on the web are case sensitive. One of the failing pictures is “catteasing.png”. If you change the URL to “Catteasing.png”, the image will load correctly.
Recent community posts
Hi, nice game. But I’ve noticed that each scene is a separate image with full background which makes the download size huge. Here’s an overlay generator python script which allows you to split each scene into shared background and transparent overlay image with characters.
That should make the whole game about 1.5GB smaller and also allow you to place multiple characters into a scene at the correct weight stage. For best results, render the 3D scenes into PNG or other lossless format before using the script. Passing JPEG images into the script will result in bigger file sizes due to JPEG compression artifacts.
I have the same problem. These performance issues are usually caused by RPGMaker plugins. If you could export a version playable in the browser (like you did with Ouroboros and Once Ever After), it might work better on Linux. I’ve also tested Ouroboros, TLS and OEA in Wine and none of them are affected by this issue.