thanks for playing :D
here is the solution just in case you are curious -
really cool game yours, rated
check out mine
really addictive game, enjoyed it!!
please check out my game
enjoyed your game :D
here is mine
please do try my game
already rated your game, it was fun :D
Here's mine
Sorry about not adding tutorials :/
Basically all you can do is remove and create blocks by clicking. Create a path for the water to flow and it will carry the player with it.The flow (and the player) will stop as soon as water fills up the maze except when the blocks on the outer part of the maze are open in which case the water will keep flowing.The goal as you might have guessed is to collect all trophies.The challenge is that the number of times you can fill or remove blocks are limited.
Also I couldn't implement the game over logic before the submission date so if you get stuck you have to quit and start the game again.(again sorry)
I have a new version ready with that,tutorials, sfx and music and will upload that once voting ends.
Hope you enjoy the game :)
tell me if you want to know the solution to the level, I will upload a pic.