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A member registered Oct 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey Crisp,

So I updated the page with a slightly more detailed note. As much as I hate to do this, I have to resign myself to shelving this project for now. There is a lot going on behind the scenes in forcing this decision, but right now I am feeling fairly defeated in the matter. I have not been able to work on the project nearly as much as I would have liked, unfortunately the final nail in the coffin happened a couple months back when I lost all of the progress I had made on the rewrite. Sitting on a blank slate, I tried to begin again but honestly I lost my motivation after the loss and haven't touched it since November. I hope to revisit this someday, I really do.

CrispKat, you have helped and supported this project since basically the beginning and I can't thank you enough. Thank you for helping me through bugs, and taking the time to record your gameplay, that meant more to me than you know.

I've been watching you build this on twitter for awhile now, I'm excited to run into this page on "newest", up and running! It's looking wonderful so far. I will download and play this weekend when I have proper time. Cheers!


Lovely start to a traffic runner. Your UI is simple and just works. Gameplay feels a little slow at the beginning but it gets better as you go.

I'd like to make a few suggestions that would improve the game a bit however:

The font feels very stock Unity, a nice text font that fits your game would add a lot to the polish.

The back button on your info screen is actually covered by a camera on my phone and is unusable. Some phones have gimmicky screen practices, I'd recommend moving that button away from the edge.

Your police barriers get a bit boring after the first minute or so, I'd love to see more variety in the obstacles.

The first few moments of play feel way too slow. I've done an infinite runner before and know how challenging it is to give that feel of progression. I'd recommend speeding up the initial velocity.

Good luck on your work! I look forward to seeing any improvements. You've got a great start to a game here, just needs some little fixes :)

Really appreciate the feedback! I'll keep your suggestions in mind, the polish needs a bit more polish 😅

Hey! For your third project, I think you have done very well in finding and managing a good scope. The game looks pretty, and the mechanics are simple yet entertaining.

One downside though, it's not optimized for mid-low range phones. I have tested on a samsung galaxy A20 and can not get over 17fps. In my experience, I've found pixel lights, forward rendering path, and fog to be the biggest culprits for mobile lag. I think you have a fantastic game as is, but you could broaden your market and customer satisfaction by taking a little look at optimization.

Good luck in your projects, and feel free to msg me if you want a quick test on older devices!

It's a decent start. Your wall collisions are a little bit frustrating however, maybe consider using a physics based controller system? A quick tutorial on what will kill me would be awesome too. Keep it up!

A base for a bigger game, but it's going to need a lot of cleanup. The text with controls is not easy to read against the snow background, the menu system seems a little unneeded for the one level. Definitely needs more levels. Drifting would be cool, and maybe wider roads too. Keep it up!

I'm so glad to hear you liked it! Anything you wish was in the game?

Thank you so much for your thorough feedback, this is exactly what I need right now. I'm seeing an overarching theme of "NEEDS BETTER INPUT" haha. I will address some of these issues by adding a controls settings window, I'll make that a priority to allow flexibility in the game. I made a bit of an oversight when it comes to mouse related controls, I've been building this on a laptop (using trackpad...) for the last 6 months of it. Amazingly I didn't even consider the fact that the dpi of a track pad might be a bit just checked, insanely low! I'll add a sensitivity slider in the next update.

Vehicle physics definitely need work in genera;, I'll be honest in that I am having difficulties finding the right settings for my wheel colliders ATM. A vehicle reset will be added in the next update. Regarding momentum and snapping issues; I've been trying to code a mesh deformer for the cars but am having some serious issues with allowing meshes to deform realistically when attached to an active object. The result is swapping meshes out at vehicle Entry/Exit for the moment. It's really dirty, but I am writing a limiter in currently so hopefully I can have player vehicles deform. I will try to at least have vehicles properly aligned if the deformer doesn't make the next update.

IMG1 - On their own? uh oh

IMG2 - A handsome small floating cube!

You didn't drop under 150 frames? Did you use the gun car or scud launcher by chance? My poor GTX 1080 bogs right down if I level more than 25-30% of the city, that's relieving news. the GPU usage is pretty high, I believe there is a bug where dust particles try to spawn but are denied, triggering  wasted render time, I will look into this as well.

Some of these are quick simple fixes, I plan on getting through these as quickly as possible, thank you for the reset player plane idea, I will definitely be implementing that. I really appreciate you taking the time to write this up! Fixes will hopefully be ready within a few days.


Alright guys! As nervous as I am, and unfinished as this is, the time has come to let The Destruction Project into the wild. THIS IS A PROTOTYPE, there will be bugs, lots of them, but I feel that the sandbox is at a point where it is enjoyable. It's been a year of working on this project with several rewrites, and this is only the beginning.

GET IT HERE: https://harmswaysoftware.itch.io/destruction-project

Currently the sandbox features:

  • Over 100 unique destroyable buildings!
  • Over 25 drivable cars.
  • 9 Special Vehicles.
  • 3 Hand tools.
  • 1 Large open world map.

Currently you can not:

  • Airport building can not be destroyed yet.
  • Starting hanger can not be destroyed yet.
  • Elevated city road can not be destroyed yet.
  • Airplanes can not be flown, but the helicopter flies quite nice!
  • Swim.
  • Can not destroy your own vehicle.

I am going back to work full time tomorrow, however I will try to post an update with bugfixes and features once per week going forward. Please leave feedback and suggestions to help me guide this project forward.

I've been having some technical issues with my media software, so instead of the usual announcement video, here's 10 minutes of unedited gameplay, bugs and all!

(1 edit)

Hey again!

Okay, so it's not particularly high quality and I couldn't record sound but here's video of me going at it for 25 mins on a low end device. I am thoroughly enjoying Beneath The Mountain so far!

I left it unlisted due to quality.

Anytime! Developing for mobile is so finicky because of the wide variation in phones. I have a few older devices for testing reasons and ran your app through them all, doesn't seem to have any compatibility issues with anything even somewhat modern. It ran smoothly on 256mb Ram so you should be proud of that haha!

Coming back to this post this morning, I pulled out the game again, it plays just fine, I just missed the doubleclick. Admittedly the doubleclick is a bit weird for the spells. I keep trying to click a spell and then click the tile to hit. One thing I noticed right away, is controlling a crawler like that on a phone removes the possibility of a mis-tap which turned out to be hugely beneficial even if a bit of an odd feeling at first.

So I played for a few minutes, almost got swallowed up by enemies before finding a choke point to make my stand. The feeling of getting a sword from my first kill after running was rewarding. I feel like you've set the balance of power quite well, I don't feel helpless but I'm no god in the game either. Turn delay is great, just enough time to contemplate the next action to keep the game going. It felt very very fluid, and the animations surely made me smile. I could have been wrong, but it looked like that venus fly trap monster and the bat were laughing together at me...

I have a packed day of coding ahead, but I'm going to come back to this and record an uncut playthrough for you so you can see what a player is going to do fresh in your game. I absolutely love this, the simplicity of it and the rewarding nature make it something that I will want to follow to completion.


So I managed to get the apk running nicely on my phone, I have a couple issues that kind of break it for me unfortunately.

Okay so I cant seem to move my character. I touched about every point on the screen and made dragging motions etc. Not sure what's up there, a raycast issue?

My phone (Samsung galaxy A20) is one of those stupid phones where the camera covers a small part of the top of the screen. Your camera change left button happens to be in the exact same spot as my camera haha. This one is more minor as you have provided an alternative direction. I'll include a video of my couple minutes in the game in case something pops out.

Submit your ideas for where I should take this project! I check often and will take suggestions seriously

(3 edits)

Hey all!

I'm excited to present to you my latest creation from the exile of quarantine, Craniac!

Free on Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.HarmsWaySoftware.Craniac OR on Itch

Free on Windows: https://harmswaysoftware.itch.io/craniac


Craniac is all about timing, patience, and strategy. As an insane crane operator, your goal is to build the tallest, heaviest pile of junk possible. The construction crew might not be too happy with you but that's okay. Your monolith will stand high and proud above your little no name town. 

There is no time limit, and the boss won't fire you for dropping 3 skids of bricks. You’d better make sure more mass stays on the roof than falls off though, you aren’t building a pyramid here. Compete against Craniacs across the globe for the title of best junk pile! (“Online high scores coming soon”).


  • A weight and height based scoring system. Your tower may be a mile high, but its worth nothing when it’s made from twenty five wood boards!

  • Game over happens when you’ve lost more mass than gained. You’ve got the power to sacrifice a few pounds for stability! If you’ve got the talent..

  • Focused on strategy over reflexes, watch as you become more and more skilled in the art of stacking odd items.

  • Quick one finger game play allows for short and distracted sessions to quell that boredom.

  • Never in app purchases, there is no pay to win or other profiteering mechanics in any Harms Way Software releases. There will be one video ad played at the end of a completed session (Android) to help support further game development.

  • Lovely environment with attention to detail, includes a soundtrack from indie artists.
I highly value any and all feedback, you can reach me here or at https://www.harmswaysoftware.com/feedback-and-suggestions-1

I remember running into this exact problem years ago and honestly I think it was what scared me away from Game Maker back then. I'd love to know if you both find a solution!