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A member registered 35 days ago · View creator page →

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Thanks! Appreciate the feedback.

Thank you!

Glad you liked it!

It took me a while to figure out that you can only shrink with gems, as it's not stated anywhere. I think it would be better to present that information to the player ( at the beginning of the game or in the description, for example ).

I strongly recommend thinking about the resolution of your assets. ( For example: the chair in this game is way more pixelated than the other sprites, relative to its scale. That makes it stand out. ) Having all of the assets in the same resolution would make the game look better, in my opinion. Keep that in mind for your further projects.

Some of the ideas included in the game were very clever. Such a shame there was only one proper level. If you decided to create more of them, I would definitely give them a try.

I would advise on keeping the style and colors, of the text and menus, etc. - consistent throughout the whole game. It makes a game a lot more pleasing to the eye.

Thank you for playing!

I appreciate the atmosphere and level design. Though the solid platforms blended with the background for me at the beginning, and I got lost for a minute because I couldn't find a way to progress. Besides that, it was a satisfying experience.

Well made and engaging game. It's very interesting to explore different possible strategies. And the 10-minute win threshold is well chosen, I just barely managed to win. The challenge makes it fun.

Thanks for the feedback! 

The main boss is beatable, but there seems to be an issue with his healthbar. We'll try to put up a revised version after the jam ends. Thank you for playing! 

The excecution of the game is very solid, but I feel like the puzzles are a little bit too obvious, although I know designing them can be difficult. 

It does feel satisfying to find the solution for a level. Given some polish, it would make a very enjoyable game, in my opinion.

The game was a pleasing experience. I think it would benefit from having a description to clarify everything, though most of the stuff was straightforward.

Great entry and a solid concept for further development. Consider putting up a thumbnail for the game, so more people would consider trying it. I'm glad I did.