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A member registered Oct 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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Agreed! The intention was for the player to look at the ion readings while waiting for the scan, but we really didn't make it clear that was how the mechanics worked.

Thanks! Definitely agreed that we needed to have a slower start to ease players into it. The perils of not playtesting with fresh players, haha.

I agree, the game definitely could've benefited from a more gradual start, oops! We came up with a handful of ideas on how to expand this... so we'll see!

Glad you liked it! We definitely had plenty of ideas for how to expand this to add arching storylines and more of a social interrogation angle on top of the raw ship data. Someday!

The game could definitely afford to be slowed down a little! We got a little too comfortable with the mechanics and didn't playtest enough with fresh players.

Neat game! The visual and audio polish is fantastic, and the UI art really sets the tone. I had to lower my mouse sensitivity to be able to play properly, but once I corrected that I had a fun time.

It took me a few tries to figure out how the mechanics worked, but the concept was neat! Aiming the little guys was a bit difficult sometimes, but I got the hang of it by the end. I liked the sound effects when afflicting the different moods.

Take that, slug!
That was pretty fun! I loved the gameplay variety, and the window dressing was solid all around. The dating sim mode in particular had me in stitches.