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A member registered Dec 10, 2020

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happened to me some time after I helped him to build a house there

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When he's seen by some ratkin. Then you need to talk to the Rat King. He sends a squad to find Scrap in his hideout. Don't help him so they find him, bring to the King and there it begins

during the night you need to be lurking in their market. There you find THE scene. Plus Dulrig will ask you to deliver something interesting to Everett :v 

Follow your journal tips. 

Now I don't really remember the precise way, I think that you need to visit and make a deal with the Witch, prepare an extra remedy. When the countdown in journal says so, you go at night to the wolves' den, where is the Alpha, and you get enemy Bernard. Lure him with wolf lures, defeat him and you will find him at the prison cell of yours (you need to build it and upgrade it). Then give brand new remedy and he's back.  

It's a random thing. When you entering the lake, you have a chance to pick the shroom. Keep trying, get 1, plant it at home, get 10 - plenty :D 

Boost bandit's moral and attitude towards you. Easiest and fastest way - go to Jester and give them money. Talk is available 2 times per day (50 coins each). With that they will stop visiting your house. 

same for everybody. The only sound in game so far - water dripping during a nightmare event

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All recipes are in the guide. So I guess currently it's simply not possible O:

Boost bandit's attitude and moral towards you. The easiest way - to talk to Jester and give money to the bandits - 2 talks per day are possible. 2-3 days and you will have calm nights

This feature is also not written yet. Arion is a character from an invited writter, it's WIP, so, for future updates too :D 

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He's available if you did a good ending for lizard tribe. Take with you some of cleansing water. After you saved Roushk, go to the same corrupted lake and keep wandering around untill you find Xer. Here you need cleansing water actually. 

Develop relationships with Xer, invite him on the fair, and there he alwats sales a lot of bombs

P.S. Personally I didn't use any bombs against slimes. I had enough health potions so I fought them. Were 5 of them or os, not a big deal.

If you can't deal with slimes, and you can't make bombs - invite black lizard Xer on the fair, and then buy any bombs from him. 

Rhot, technically, is already on the fair, with Roushk. 

You may find Rose by wandering around on the fair, and she will suggest a competition, where Rhot will be one of the participants.

Roushk is to be found in wrestling game, you may wrestle with him too. 

Probably later would be fireworks with Rhot, Roushk/Othra

as I remember I managed to ivite him and Feliar exactly on Sunday. Didn't see the dialogues about the fair on another days

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Wait for the next update. WIP - Work in Progress 

Isn't it having stats? Probably +2 to appearence or sort of. 

As for talking to the demon, we will meet him again in future updates if we wanna settle things between orcs an humans :D Maybe there. Let's wait for 3-4 updates more

probably before even starting treasure quest you need to increase likes with all of them. Increase likes with Roushk up to 40 by having private trainings with him. Same goes to Rhot, increase his likes over 40. With Priestess you need to increase likes during first quest by doing best pure options, so she'll like you more. Also sparr with Grushk for 15 likes or so.

Total likes of these guys will lead you to the best ending of the second quest "Lizards' treasure" (if you did good choices of course) and then enjoy the feast

you need to find a mine with diabosite. After you find it, Blake will start visiting it. 

Then enter the mine at the evening, from 8 pm maybe or so. There's a chance to find the scene with Logan and Blake.

Under the tavern you need to find an underground passage that goes forward and ends on the junkyard. So you need to perfom some search. then have torch/glowshroom/glowing amulet to enter the underground and welcome to the junkyard.  

The temple with the priestess? 

At the beginning Rhot tells you if you feel too horny, you won't be able to enter the temple. 

When rat king's ratkins gonna be looking for Scrap in the junkyard, let them find him and bring to the king. That's the start. 

Ask Arion to manage with her. 

Uphill Cave. It's between Northcrest city and the Battlefield with orcs. 

Probably bitch fame is too high. Can't say how we should interprete the guide's description O: 

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It's not because of Rhot, nobody knew he was around :D Just Roushk didn't want to do it right there.  And exactly Rhot was cockblocked, but by Grushk XD 

Waterfall is for future updates (like the uphill cave was). 

Check you hero/bitch fame? XD This feature is available from very first visit to Bareshade. And the guide says it depends on high hero/bitch fame.  

You need to pay for the room in the tavern and stay there for a night. He suggests some company for you and one of the options will be his company for an additional price :D 

It doesn't seem possible :D Lizard leaders agreed thatthey have to give up on the treasure. They didn't plan to have it back.


And in fact when you choose to give the second gem back, during the feast Othra will give you it back again :D 

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I had this option instantly. Second nightmare, I had to toss the gem away, got info from the demon and woke up. In the ruins when I approached Roushk, firstly I had to choose what to do - give the gem back or keep it to myself, and after the choice starts the dialogue with Roushk and Othra (that leads to a great feast for everyone).

I definitely want more interaction with this green demon. I'd love to hear what part he used for thinking when was cursing the lizards' tribe and almost destroyed them, instead of just talking to them. He better be very convincing, it's gonna be his word against Razit's spear xD 

Usually in journal it's written. Most of the time it requires sleep till morning, and has a chance to appear during a night

Did you actually find a mining room? Third one, there are two ? ? spots, and the passage is protected by a crawler. 

Oh yeah, it didn't set automatically >.> done now

Perception 15 and Intellect 15 are needed to make shortcuts in some places and analyze the ore 

Slot 1: Nut, Slot 2: Nut, Slot 3: Earth Moss, Slot 4: Earth Moss, Slot 5: Drakeroot

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New one with a new mineral? 

Head to Uphill Cave (Between Orc's camp and the Battlefield, opens after talking to Korg), there you'll see only one way to Munbyry Mountain East side. Enter the complex and west door. Next room head to south door, 4 blocks down. That's it, two ? marks are the mines you can collect Galfire Stones

Never did it on g. drive exactly, hopefully it works xD 

Roudhk bad ending scene, save will be on page 4 n 4

Korg and Logan scene on the Fair, page 8 n 3

Well, I do have both saved, dunno how to share it though :D Or simply I can tell how to get Korg's scene. 

How to get corrupted Lizard's tribe ending is fully described in the guide 

And the mine
