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A member registered Jun 18, 2017

Recent community posts

i don't understand how to get/use the outfits included in this mod

is there a way to use this with other mods that add new files to Textures/IdolPortraits? When I try to use, no girls appear on auditions.

old lady at the market

thank you!

(1 edit)

I'm having trouble with the Make Some Milk-Based foods. I figured out how to get milk, but how do I mix them? Simply having a bucket with different things isn't working

The game and characters are really interesting! Definitely worth following it's development. Thank you for uploading it

What a teeeease! hahah

easter egg? o_o

I completely agree with you

This game is a LOT better than I could have ever expected. Great work and thank you for uploading!

Ah, makes sense, Sorry for being a bit skeptical at first.

Never really been a fan of this kind of game, but this one was very very nice!

Well... one has "preview" on the name of the file and the other doesn't.

The game looks really nice, btw. Here's to hoping it really is just a misunderstanding  after all.

I highly agree with you. Although I can't afford to become a supporter :(, I definitively see this soon becoming a great title amongst ("among"? I think it's amongst in this case... what a weird word) Trap Quest, FC, TiTS and so on.

Awesome, I'm glad it was helpful.

Looking foward to the next updates!

(4 edits)

Before I begin I just want to make it clear that I'm not complaining! I just want to maybe help you a little bit with your game.
My specs are: Windows 10 x64 - 2.4Ghz - 3Gb RAM.

I've played a bit more now and got a little past day 4. Since I'm not sure what's intended or already known, I'll just state everything that I think might be of interest (I'm sorry that this is long and probably most of it isn't useful):

- About the ranch:

* When I first posted my question, I had not exited the game and loaded a save, though i did start anew 3 times (this was my 4th playthrough), and in my first game I got a Neko and "tamed" her  in day 1, but no other girls appeared, so I began a new game thinking it was a bug. On the other ones it was a Slime and after they left no girls would show up again, leading me to post my question here;

* No more than 1 girl was visiting at the same time, and another girl only showed up to visit again after exiting the game and loading the save file. I waited a very long time before exiting and loading the save, and whenever I did load the save, a girl would usually appear in the next in-game hour or two;

* 5 girls spawned in total: the first 3 being Slimes, the 4th a Neko and the 5th another Slime. After the 3rd Slime, I just got the water down to 9 tiles to get the Neko (this is probably just a matter of chance), then I planted enough grass for it's residence requirement. However, I had to dig the water tiles back to 25 after failing to get another Neko to visit after 3 tries of save-scumming mixed with waiting 5 in-game hours (a bit more than 5 so there's time for me to find it, if it did spawn);

* When saving, exiting and loading again, any girl that was visiting  disappears;

* I'm not sure what the girls eat/how to feed them. The Neko's hungry just stays at 100;

* When save, exiting and loading a save, any planted flowers disappear and the body of water on the edge of the map also turns into dry grass.

* Didn't really try to get the Neko and a Slime to fuck, as I stopped playing for now.

- About Fighting:

* The residing Neko began fighting the Slime Girl (it was a red one btw). This didn't happen instantly, they both had had time (I think this is correct english, but I'm not sure since it looks so weird haha) to do their own 'solo action', and I made a potion with the drop from the Slime. The Slime wasn't losing any mana, it stayed at 10/10 and for a while she just healed herself, which made the fight really long. Ok, not that long actually. Eventually she began striking back, defeated the Neko and walked away to the edge of the map (or more accurately, the dense forest). The Neko soon got up and I used the potion on her which got her up to full hp (that's when I learned it was a health potion haha).

* I tried out the arena and chose to take control. It went pretty well, I understood how it worked and I liked the system. However, my oponent (a blue slime girl) started walking back against the right wall (her side of the arena), then began walking away/towards the camera: I no longer had any control over the distance between the characters as I still could only walk left-right. I'm pretty sure this isn't intended because the camera was going a bit crazy and when she walked towards it too much I couldn't see any of the girls anymore.

If you want the save file or more information, I'll gladly to help. Good luck!

Edit: I started a new game (on the 32 bit version, for science). Managed to have 2 Nekos residing on the ranch. Fought again on the arena and I got the Slime Girl to walk on a weird direction again and got a screenshot
I'd like to say that the models and animations for the girls are so much better than the other stuff I've been seeing around in other h-games. I really like these.

(1 edit)

Interesting. I'll start a new game again and mess around some more, then i'll post the results here.
Thanks for the very quick answer, noxDev!

Edit:  I have already installed the redist folder's content, to make sure everything works.

Yo, this seems pretty cool, i like it so far.

But I can't have more than 1 girl spawn per new game. Am I doing something wrong? I have everything past the requisites for them to visit.