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A member registered Sep 02, 2023

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We submitted under Circle House Media, not my personal account. 

I for sure think you should work on the concept some more, meant in like a positive way not as a criticism.  I was brainstorming with the team I work with (we submitted Circuit Miner) about your game and thought about maybe low-level enemies running around or yeah power ups spawning you have to grab. Either way I for sure think its one of the stand out ideas. Great job! Both the theme and the special object on this jam seemingly forced almost everyone into a pretty linear idea. 

Honestly, I'd say this is a winning concept if you can add an "extra" reason for the player to have to move around the field. This will addict grandmothers across the country.

Incredible concept, surprised I haven't seen this style of controller for these kinds of games before. 

Super fun and memey

The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers

I love it! Played it a few times through. Ironically the hardest level for me every time was the one with just the 3 giant asteroids. 

Super fun and the game mechanic loop reminds me why I'm not allowed to play Minecraft. 

This game was super calming and fun. I would suggest randomizing where the gold spawns.  You can pretty quickly set yourself up to Mine 2 gold per floor instead of 1 right now. 

Space Bar doesn't activate the game. Its just the start screen right now.