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Hefka Games

A member registered Sep 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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Awesome idea!!!

Helloooo Santa, thanks for the gift! :D
I'm just not at home so I can't play right now, but I put that in my playlist and I'll be playing once my winter break will be over, which means in January! :D Thank you <3

Dunno if you'll read that but that's a total banger 5/5!!!

Hello guys! I don't know if you remember me, we met at Tokyo Game Show, I'm Hefka, the "Cirno-fan" guy who is making bullet hell and chiptune! My Discord has been scr**ed up, but at least I found you on itch ☺️. If you're still okay for me to make chiptune, for Little Angels or a future project, reach me out ☺️. In the meantime, I give a follow!


Thank you! And it's only the beginning!

Hey, I'm glad I kept this artefact!

Merci ! J'écris depuis bien avant que je fasse du JV, j'écris depuis que j'ai 17 ans (j'en ai 35), alors avec l'habitude ça va vite ^^
Je veux bien suivre le live de fin de game jam sur twitch !
A plus tard ! Hâte de voir les autres projets aussi !

Hey, this is really nice and relaxing!

I just found a small little bug: when you clikc on the SHOP button on the top right corner, it also counts as a click on the board game, which could lead to misplace a tile. But as a regular jammer, I know this is nothing too harsh since the game is relaxing!

La vidéo est faite ! Mais je réfléchis avant de la poster, parce que YouTube a la gâchette facile...
Ca aurait été un bon challenge de faire une petite soundtrack pour ce jeu ! Surtout que je n'ai pas beaucoup composé pour la C64 !

Très sympa ce petit jeu en text-based, ça me rappelle bien "T'as déjà regardé ta vulve dans un miroir" !
Je suis bien tenté de le présenter sur ma chaîne YouTube, si tu es okay avec ça et si ça se produit je t'en tiendrai informée. ;)

Franck / Hefka =(^_^)=

Since this is pixel art, if you need chiptune music, maybe i can help ;)

Thank you DimaLink! It takes me a lot of time and energy so I hope people will like it! ;)

It's done! Interesting concept and working prototype, I didn't find any bugs

I would suggest to make a scene to explain the scenario (not necessary a NPC, since we're talking about a game jam game), but otherwise this is nice and I love the protag!

I don't know if this is intended, but health is repleted at 100% between levels, which makes the game really easy!

PS: didn't noticed the goat...?
Anyways, it's a great prototype!

Short and challenging yey I liked it!

Hello! You're welcome! Glad it could save you some time
I'm just dropping by at this time, I just checked your page and your game looks neat ;)

Good luck with the rankings!

Nyaaaaaa hello!

Soooo before I forget, here is the most important information of this topic - the link:

The goal is really simple : I will make everything from scratch live on Twitch, with the link to this game jam ;). I will stream everyday with a grand maximum length of 4 hours per day. It will serve as a regular devlog! Oh and please keep something in mind. I make video games since 2015 but I'm a grand beginner when it comes to streaming, so I already made all the mistakes of beginners and will surely do some of them again ;).

I will speak French and most of information will be done in French. However, the source code will be redacted in English. Since I also speak English, you are free to ask me anything in the chat in English. :)

Cheers and good luck everyone!

Hello everyone, I am a solodev who can do almost everything as long as it doesn't have something to do with marketing (lol).
This game jam is actually a nice idea! I have my idea but I'll start the project in November and work between 2 - 4 hours per day in the morning (French hour). Actuallt, I decided to join the jam to have a pretext to remake the game I made for my very first game jam. I was a beginner back in the day and even if this said jam lasted for one month, the final project ended with a lot of bad things (ridiculously hard, pathetic design, in my taste only the music aged well and that's only cuz I'm a sound designer). And since 3 years I am saying "I'll remaster it later I'll remaster it later". I joined the gam to get my pixels together.

Soooo I will have a lot of work to do, this is not a offer, but i wanted to be a social catboy and say nyan. Good luck everyone and drink water!

Merci beaucoup Shaki !

Alors perso c'est mon coup de coeur ce jeu ! Mais je suis pas objectif, j'ai toujours été fasciné par les cultures Nordiques. Bien joué l'équipe Mimosa !

Merci Solenne ! Ca fait plaisir !

Everyone will see a beautiful alusion to depression, tho I can also see a hidden meaning in this game, especially in the parts of the text talking about work. As an indie dev, we tend to work a lot without even knowing if this is worth it, without even a boss to tell us to do so. Is "go to work" a rule to follow? Who said you need a work to be happy in life? Guess it's time for me to slow down the pace.

Also, loved the plants growing in the car.

Thank youuuuu! The pace was slowed down these last monthes because I had to move, look for a new roof and all. Now that my personal situation is stable, I can work the way I want!

Thank you for your comment, it means a lot to me!

Heyooooo! Glad to be a part of the project! i had fun making the soundtrack \o/

Oh, I remember that! Loved it a lot <3

Hi Mitacla! Forest soundtrack and maybe a desert one? Fine =)
I joined your Discord workspace, I guess we're not in the same timezone (I'm GMT+1) but it should go well =)

I'm adding you =) My nickname is Hefka

(2 edits)

EDIT 04/18 ==> Got teamed up,  so I'm not available for more projects x).


I'll be go right to the point: this jam really interests me, however, I don't think I will be able to handle everything alone! And I am mostly a musician, a sound designer, or call this what you want =). If I can help, it would be my 9th game jam.

So, about my background, I mostly use Ableton Suite 10 to make video game music, I released some audio packs here and there and I am even on Spotify (no links to avoid self-plugging =) ). I can make both calm music, punk music, stressful music, in a global manner I adapt to the situation. Oh, and of course, I have a full home studio at home.

In fact, I made a bullet hell (Last Neko) for a game jam back in 2019. I was proud back then, but looking at it nowadays, it was a beginner project to learn Unity and stuff.

French is my native language, I also speak English, I know a bit of Finnish and I know the Japanese kana.

This is maybe a bit late, but if you're looking for a sound designer, post it below and we will talk (I'll click the "join jam" button once teamed =) )

Thank you =D

Lol I absolutely love the face of the dino! "I will swallow your soul by the *** with a tuba and re-sell it on the black market" ='D

For anyone reading this (from a random musician who is studying Finnish language) : the original song is called "Metsään nykkynyt" which means "Slept away in a forest", but the MP3 file is called "Metsään hukkunut" which means drown in a forest. I love these little details =D

I second the previous comments, this is not evident :/ But I also second the positive side of previous comments: you have amazing art skills!

But it brings a nice concept!

I concur, this is really nice!

Wow, these are really nice graphics!

(1 edit)

At least there is no bugs

(edit: I'm not a part of this game jam, I was just dropping by ;) )

Thank you! <3
Ah, yey, the jam is finished! And you remind me I will have to check the submissions ;)

(1 edit)

Hi KBMusicandSFX and thanks for your appreciation! And don't worry, that's what I explain in the text below : the pack itself is 8bit, the video is a glimpse of future audio packs that won't be 8bit :)

All these years I spent playing StepMania are finally worth something, 5/5