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A member registered Dec 11, 2020

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Precisely.  So relieved to have another agree with me. :3

Looks quite promising.  Truth be told, i've never been much for the traditional "Five Nights at Freddy's" series, not that it scared me that much or anything like that, but it just didn't seem that interesting to me tbh. :/

This on the other hand, combining good ol' h-goodness with sneaking around is quite the delectable treat that I can really get used to... <3

I see.  Thanks for letting me know how many Moonstones are available. :)

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Ah, I see.  That's such a shame tbh, I was hoping that there'd be some wholesome yurilicious happiness in any possible post-story content, since that'd be so lovely after all. ^-^

Also, does anyone know which enemies drop Diamonds?  It's VERY EXPENSIVE (32K!) to buy them at the Fallholt Jeweler after all. Even if the drop rate is pitifully low, as can be expected of its rarity of course, i'd be willing to put up with. I'd be even more pleased if there's enemies that drop even more rare Moonstones, but something tells me that they only are dropped by one-of-a-kind bosses and no other stock enemy drops them, which makes sense of course.

I'm wondering if there'll ever be any yuri marriage options for Mila since it's always pained me that Mila isn't in any major yuri relationships, especially since she can choose to go through a truly happy marriage with Jessica that ends on a truly sweet-yet-short ending, though there's PLENTY of hints of other possible budding yuri love, such as Bianca's playful kiss on Mila cheek for instance. 

If it can be relegated to post-main story then even that would be fine, just would like some possible post-story yuri marriage endings is all, seeing that short Yuri Ending with Jessica always melts my heart in a good way after all... <3 <3  (I'm a MAJOR Yuri-holic, in case you didn't realize it already :3)

Alright, thanks for answering, it's appreciated. :>

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This is a question i've had for a bit of a while now, I was wondering if it's possible to have the MC become a futa (yes, i'm well aware that there's Bad Endings that have her become a futa, but i'm asking if it's possible for the MC to become a futa without getting those "Bad Ends" obviously) somehow.  

If someone can answer "yes" or "no" honestly then i'd appreciate it. 

Ah, I see. :)   It'd be nice if the option to have her become a permanent futa was done, and i'm IMMENSELY RELIEVED that you're a fellow slime girl-lover like myself.  A shame there won't be an option to have the MC become a slime girl, but at the very least i'm glad that there's a delectable futa-option for the MC. <3

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You have NO IDEA just how damn happy I am to see that delectable yuriliciousness, seriously. ^-^

Also, will the MC be able to become a permanent futa in the future?  I'm asking since that seems to be a possibility is all.  If it can go further than that than i'd absolutely LOVE IT if she could eventually become a slime girl futa, since i'm not joking ONE BIT when I say that I. Fucking. LOVE. Slime girls... <3 <3

If slime girl transformation isn't possible then at least I hope that the perma-futa option is available at the very least. ^^

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Holy shit...! 0_0  An h-game with ACTUAL Slime Girl waifus, finally...!  Finding an h-game with Slime Girl romances are just WAAAAAY too rare these days unfortunately, but the fact that this story has it makes me VERY happy, being dead honest here. <3 <3

INSTANTLY love this already due to that, as i'm not even CLOSE to kidding when I say that I. Fucking. LOVE. Slime Girls...! ^-^

SOOO happy/relieved that someone else shares my love for Slime Girls. ^^

(I know, I know you're likely getting tired of hearing it from me, so apologies in advance ^^;)  

I dunno if it's been made already, but i'm REALLY hoping that there's some more delectable Slime Girl Mila goodness in the future, seriously...! <3 <3

Damn...  I was hoping they'd be in this, ah well... T_T

Thanks for answering regardless, it's much appreciated. :)

Ah, I see.  Thanks for clarifying about that, it's much appreciated. :)

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So are these only encountered on the Vampire routes then?  The last bit in regards to Mila seems to imply that they are only encountered on her Vampire routes.  

Hopefully i'm wrong since i'd absolutely LOVE some delectable yurilicious h-scenes with them and Mila after all... <3 <3   If there's no additional slime girl Mila content to be had then having some yurilicious lovin' is a good enough substitute imho. ^-^

Also, hearing about ship decks is reminding me of the fifth mission bgm of Metal Slug 4, which also happens to takes place on a ship with pirates as well.

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Is there any slime girls to romance and with h-scenes perhaps?  I am a MASSIVE lover of slime girls after all so I just want to know. :)

Thanks SOOO MUCH for showing where each secret is, I still dunno if one can avert a certain poor person's fate (being vague to avoid spoilers, but it regards to the MC's main other goal that isn't escaping) but if it can then that'd be very nice to know.  Not to mention I absolutely LOVE the wholesome dragon girl ending.  Hell, if I was the MC i'd say that there's no reason whatsoever to tie me down and kiss her as I impregnate her as she wanted him to, very dead serious here since, she specifically states that she isn't like the other succubi women, and she proves it by stating how happy she is that the MC becomes a father after successfully knocking her up, then intending on raising their child(ren) together, something that's a VERY happy ending change of pace from the usual non-impreggy fun of the other Succubi women. <3 <3

ha ha ha  Freakin' LOVE the meme you used in the first pic, so damn hilarious...! XD lol  Wishlisting it RIGHT at this very second! <3

A shame that there doesn't seem to be any more support for slime girl Mila, REALLY love that transformation after all... <3 <3

I dunno if the annoying "snowflake" issue will be fixed for my previous saves though, if what you said earlier is right then it seems that I may have to start all over again just to avoid it.  If i'm lucky then hopefully it won't occur for my previous saves, but I feel that i'll still need to start all over again.  I'll make an "EDIT" addition in the future  in case either event occurs regardless. Thanks again for all your hard work, i'm looking forward to redelving into this enhanced pie soon, especially if there's new Slime Girl Mila content, though I won't be surprised if it's not there of course. ^^;

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I'm REALLY hoping that there'll be more slime girl-Mila goodness, since i'm not even CLOSE to kidding when I say that I REALLY love slime girls and having an extended slime girl scenario similar to one of Mila's Extended Vampire endings would make me VERY happy to go through it... <3 <3

And don't worry about the delay, I always prefer quality and if that means more time required then i'm more than happy to wait longer for the update to improve things. 

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Ah, I see.  Ah well, i'd still appreciate an extended scenario for a slime girl Mila like you did for one of her extended Vampire endings. :>

Damn...  That's a shame since i'm being very dead serious about me wanting to have Mila become a slime girl and yet still be able to go through the rest of the story and so forth.  Much like how the MC's from the text-based games that are "Trials in Tainted Space" and "Lilith's Throne" are able to do, no bullshit. :>

"(Potentially playable monster forms in a future update...? It's possible!)"  

So does that mean that we can actually have a Slime Girl form of Mila to actually go through the rest of the story then?!  I have SOOO been wanting that to be possible after all...! <3 <3

I just hope that some h-scene defeats have joyously-happy preggy/yurilicious in them, if not then ah well.  The Jessica Happy Ending is one that I REALLY wish Mila could continue on with since I SOOO love that beautiful yuri ending after all... <3 <3

Here's to hoping that I get to hear some of the songs I suggested earlier I hope... :<

Regardless, looking forward to it. :)

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ha ha ha  Highly unlikely, I know, but i'm REALLY hoping that one of the "prizes" is a transformative item that allows Mila to become a slime girl (yes, i'm already well aware of the ending in the Slime Cavern, but unfortunately it doesn't allow for Mila to continue any questing, so yeah, real disappointing about that, even though she looks IMMACULATELY-SEXIER as a slime girl imho, dead serious here... <3 ) permanently. Here's to hoping that's one of the prizes and that she can still continue any sidequests/quests after using it. ^-^

Alright, once again thank you for answering. ^^

I hope you use some of the tracks I suggested to you, it'd REALLY make me happy about it after all. ^

It's more of the former as I have a MASSIVE love for slime girls and as such it'd be an absolutely dream come true to have the MC be able to have a "slime girl" option.  if not at the start of the character creation then hopefully later down the line in the story, though given the vast amount of racial choices at the character creation settings, I don't think that adding "slime girl" as an option is too far-fetched.

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Is there any idea on a rough estimate when the slime girl option for the MC will be made available?  I'd also love to have the pregnancy involving a slime girl incubating in the MC's stomach as well if that can be added after the former since, for now, I REALLY would LOVE to have the MC be able to have the slime girl option available, as a slime girl futanari as the MC is an option I ALWAYS aim for, as I have it set for both text-based title of both "Trials in Tainted Space" (abbreviated as "TiTS", no bullshit :P) and "Lilith's Throne" with absolutely NO REGRETS whatsoever... <3 <3  The slime girl-in-stomach pregnancy is just something I REALLY hope occurs later since I realized I already asked this of you before, it's just that I dunno if/when the option will be made available is all, hence my asking again. ^^;

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I'm hoping that you use one of the two tracks I suggested to you before, i'm more than willing to suggest more befitting songs if need be. ^^

Also, i'm looking VERY forward to the "BGM Override" effect being in place for the random enemy encounters in that the dungeon music overrides the usual battle music, really...!  X3

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I believe that they are fine to use since the RPGMaker title labeled "Theia - The Crimson Eclipse" uses them and I haven't heard of them getting into any legal trouble.  Hell, it's been out for years and no legal issue has arrived at them yet I believe.  It even uses a song from Chris Redfield's first campaign mission from RE6 (as I recognized it immediately when it played, having gone through RE6 a few times over on my 360/PS3 and all. This is the theme in case you were wondering: 

though it cuts off at around 1:28 for the Theia variation of the song used) no less and Theia still has it in its current version so needless to say they aren't in any legal trouble, though I can understand your hesitation.   Although they DO show a note at the startup of Theia to let any and all know that all original material used in Theia belongs to their respective original creators and in no way belong to them as detailed in this screenshot:  

Unfortunately, I don't know the original authors of the two songs I showed you (I was originally going to include this one here as another suggestion:  but then I thought it didn't infer enough of a "dread type of feeling" like the other two do and instead it feels like a more "courageous" feeling instead, so yeah... ^^; ), though as long as you detail that those songs weren't created by you and give out a note similar to the one shown in the screenshot then it should be alright.

I REALLY hope that Mila is able to fully romance a few possible girls since that Jessica ending just REALLY lit up my Yuri-feels so damn well... <3 

I might have a few suggestions for the castle interior bgm that might fit perfectly, here's a few that you might consider, and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you leave the non-special/boss-type battle bgm off so that the castle interior bgm continuously plays as each one can fit PERFECTLY for battles as well (as in, it's a "Background Music Override" trope as described here: ), no bullshit. ^^ (I had to upload them on SoundCloud as they aren't on Youtube or any easily-found source otherwise it seems, though I made absolutely sure to list it in the description that I both did NOT make them and that they were from the source I extracted them from)

Seriously...?  I figured it'd patch the previous version as well when saving from the previous version to the next when overwriting a save made from a previous version to one on the latest version, guess I was wrong, damnit... DX

Well obviously since I progressed quite a bit through the story before the recent version, though I continued only after the latest version was released and had the "Scrawled Contract" on hold due to the aforementioned issue regarding the bgm and I didn't have the annoying "everlasting falling snow" issue on the screen either, at least since I didn't use a teleport statue to instigate the issue of course.

Yup, it's still happening.  It's obviously something to do with the teleport statues I think, but not 100% sure if this is the case since, as I was done all contracts (sidequests) I was continuing along with the main quest, though the annoying issue still occured unfortunately

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Yeah, he's obviously not human, which is something Mila should've seen a mile away, honestly.  He didn't even care that Mila found out that he set her up as another of Damian's wives, the asshat. >_<

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I dunno why, but the issue regarding the "falling snowflakes" in areas that clearly aren't meant to have them is still prevalent in the latest version of CV as shown here in these two pics:  

REALLY hope this issue is resolved in the next version since it's getting ridiculous on just how stubborn it is... -_-