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A member registered Aug 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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Fun game to play and sticks well to the theme! Some health pickups would be nice but I do suck :(

Hi Brodie,

I am embarking on a retro Resident Evil 2 clone (probably just the first bit). I'm thinking a mix of top down for larger areas and side scrolling platformer-esque for hallways. If you'd be interested in creating some tunes to that vibe, it would probably sound AMAZING. 

Thanks so much for playing! 

Your comments really inspire me to push out my latest build! I fixed the issue where player bullets go through walls :p too easy. Additionally, i added some more weapon types! Auto firing smg and machine gun as well as a shotgun which utilizes spread. If you're interested, ill polish that up and post an update. 

Thanks again. 

We had really similar games!! Yours is a whole lot of fun. I especially enjoyed the upgrades to weapons as well as the smooth music & controls. Nice job.

thanks so much for playing so far! :) I realized after the fact that clicking outside of the grid causes an error  D: thanks again for playing 

What an awesome game. I really liked how well everything worked!!! 

Thanks a lot! The Enemy AI is really simple. Each enemy is either in a pursuing, idle or attacking state depending on how far away they are from the player. The specific distance numbers are random for each enemy.

For the level loading, I have a Grid structure that houses a bunch of Cell structs. I then simply pipe the cells into a file and retrieve them by loading them back into that grid. From there, I just render them in the egine.

Thanks for trying it out!