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I also noticed that game mechanics are not explained in any tutorial sense within the game which should have been done. Could have done better but yeah it means still room for improvements. Well, thanks for the feedback. 

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Yes, its playable now. Cool main menu music which slaps hard with time. It should be on spotify as well. XD

Not sure if the controls work for movement, cant move properly. Also cant get past score 1.  Sounds are good and looks fit with theme aspect. 

Nice Simple game at first I thought I could use WASD as well for movement. But I realized later that it is the arrow keys for movement. Hehe

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Yeah the gameplay logic is not explained well in the game. Didn't thought about ultra wide monitors, perhaps the dithering matrix gets glitched when resizing the game window. Also you can only switch world when your world switch gauge is full which is filled by killing enemies and passing time. Still room to improve. Thanks for the feedback. 

This game is fun. The controls are a bit uncontrollable but that itself is fun in this case hahaha

I tried doing Left mouse click but couldn't figure out a way to grapple on the walls. Wall sprint is cool though. Not sure if its a bug or maybe I'm using wrong controls no idea.

Right, your procedural logic scaling with time looks good. I wanted to do better in that aspect but I thought too much on game mechanics + balancing for fun. I didn't got much time to improve on procGen and  game art. 

You can let the player know this as an Infinite weapon glitch. I mean who doesn't love infinite weapons. Bug could be a feature maybe lmao.

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I can't access your game page it says I need your permission maybe you haven't added view access to public. I guess its private. 

Not sure how to start the gameplay I got stuck when I pressed T. Looks a bit unplayable

Didn't saw the lava aspect in the game but very cool  looking game off theme with good scoring feedbacks.

Camera initially had me thinking I had to crawl to go to the next area. I realized a lot later I have to go straight lol.
Cool level design though. The weapons disappeared after a while which killed me got no idea when my weapon stocks ended. 

Smooth and simple looks good. Procedurally increasing difficulty is a nice idea. I also did procedural generation but didn't scale difficulty with time. Haha didn't got much time to do it.

Not sure about the controls but fits the theme. 

Not sure about the controls but fits the theme. 

Cant access this game to play and vote

Game is decent but I got stuck where the left wind platform starts. How do we cross that platform or is that a bug ?