Actually, that was how it had been until the last review, then I opted for stating it as "d12" instead of 2d6s, as there were also cases where 2d6s were rolled. To separate the two, I chose to call it "d12" and state it in the terminology in the introduction chapter. (Similar thing with d66)
But I like what you suggest in the second paragraph, I think it is clear. (seven dice, or seven d6s), Thank you for this.
Yes, I am aware that the probability with 2d6s is highest with 6-7-8 results. But I think the initial d6 roll (with 5-6 as success) will make POIs scarce. So I don't think there'll be many palaces. BUT, I heard you, and I'm noting it down, and will review tables accordingly. Thank you for your feedback!
Initially, the game was more card-driven (that's why all card have specific names), like you suggested, but dice rolling felt like the quicker way in practice, so I opted for that.