I think i locked myself out of fighting Maul again? I told Groth not to tell the chief but he did anyway and seems we cant fight again in the arena? Is this true? Because so far im not getting Maul at the arena anymore. Can i save edit this somehow?
How do I start the hang with roommates quest? I go to the tavern but nothing happens. I kept playing and when i go back to the shop the quest fails and they are disappointed i never went..
I manage to edit it now. I just have to close the game before loading the save. Before I could have the game open while doing so. And no the save was from this version fyi
That would help hmm. I think I was a couple of unlocks ahead of that super mod that lets you resurrect once in a weakened state, do you remember what mods would those be? And what level?
So I found a big problem. I have been playing for a while and unlocked plenty of stuff and just a few mins ago I was playing and the power went off. When it came back and opened the game again all my progress was wiped out... Help?