very nice setting, it reminded me of limbo
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i think the idea was very good! Congrats on working on your first jam i hope you keep on making more games
Here's some critiques for your next time
- If you're working on a jam alone its a good thing to have a short scope that you can easily work from, and build your ideas from there (for example maybe starting with one roulette was better). Its easier to build on top of something well done than trying to grasp complex mechanics at the start!
When working on a game its better to have peers that can help you in areas you might not be proficient yet, but if you do want to learn all the ways of game making i sugest learning the fundamentals of each area one of a time!
Keep up the good work!
Music and SFX - I loved the rock feeling combined with the fast paced spinning around, The sound effects are good and very informative for the player
Theme - Perfectly executed! From the design of attacks or bosses i can see the word Spin everywhere
Controls and Mechanics - Very intuitive and easy to have a grasp of, The mechanics are very well tought. I personally love the green objects that restore health and can be deflected, they add a nice feeling of "i'm good" when done right!
Art - a 3D game in a month for sure its a good challange, from all aspects i think the art is the one that had more potential to develop, altought it does a good job at comunicating the mechanics, but it doesn't give us a "believeable world" to insert ourselves into
Overview - a very good game overall! the programing seems very polished and the concepts are well executed! Nice job
Music - The music is pretty relaxing and the SFX are very on point! giving us that arcade feeling which speaks very well with the pixelated art style
Art - Astonishing!! the game has pretty good visuals and a very good thematic
Controls - As a Keyboard user it was a bit hard to have the coordination of the arrow keys to proper enjoy the mechanics but i think it should be way smoother in a joystick/controller
Overview - The game has a simple yet effective game loop executed right and the art/music speaks really well with the intended concept!! Congrats on the work