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A member registered Nov 29, 2020

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Great game, love the writing and the characters. But I have 3 complains, two minor and one bigger. The first minor one is that it would be cool to have more agency around battles, I know there is a minigame that will come in the future for the battles, but maybe a choice about how you want to engage in the battles before they start might be interesting (in the minigame they could be buffs/debuffs or different starting positions or something). The other minor problem is that the sex scenes that I have seen up until this point are very short, just make them longer, with more descriptives and maybe a change of position or two. Now, the mayor problem for me is that the dick of the main character is just too goofy, it's too "cartoonlike" (funny to say that in a porn game with drawn girls), it just takes you out of immersion and feels strange next to well drawn models for the girls.

Damn, what a great game. And it's free!!!!!!!

The writing is excellent. I felt chills at the scary parts, I felt sad when it was retelling the stories of certain characters, the fights scenes where pretty cool (both the choreograph and the visuals, I would love to have more player agency with the fights though), I felt happy for characters and intrigued by their past and future, and of course the sex scenes were pretty good. If any writing, game or piece of art can make you feel emotions, I believe that it deserves praise and support.

So keep up the good work!!!

It's a pretty slow in getting to the intimacy, so it isn't simply a porn game, This game would be very much one of the adult games that I would call a real game/story.

P.S. I would be great if maybe we had some more decisions in order to make the character stronger in game/IRL. So that we don't feel so much as background character, Superhuman comes to mind about how it handles character progression, but of course these are two very different games.

I usually hate tentacle porn so I didn't even check the game lol, maybe put that last line on the title hahaha

It seems to be a bitcoin miner with how much it demands of your GPU, scanned on VirusTotal and shows as a bait scan, so the Hash being weird just makes this fishier, really liked the brief time I played, so I hope I can get some explanations as to why the GPU usage is so high.

Thought it was a CoC spiritual succesor, but it managed to differentiate from CoC by a lot. Great start, hope you keep up the good work :)

In the lower right side of the cemetery, there is a tree where you can walk over it and go out of bounds passing the fence.

If you press X while speaking to the "Mother" the sprites stay there, to fix it you have to go and talk with another character that has two sprites entering the screen, reloading doesn't help

It's not poker, that's why, you have to learn the game by yourself (which I think could be difficult for a lot of people and the author should add a choice to avoid this feature)

First impressions show a lot of potential, although the game needs a lot of tweaks (obviously since it's in its infancy). I think a start would be to actually feel like you're in an emergency, where problems don't stop coming, it just feels too relaxed, so giving it a tone of urgency and that the character would have to be inhumanly lucky and intelligent (or with the ability to replay like us) to avoid falling into lewd situations. I think focusing on the characters around the queen a bit more would be a good idea, specially interactions with your advisors could augment the sense of a real crisis and that you are being constantly pressured into taking important decisions about the future of your realm without the possibility to really think about them. Depending on the talent of the developer as a writer this game could easily become a gem as there is a solid foundation. 

This shows great promise! And I became a fan of the game pretty quickly. I really empathize with Aura and the thought process of the character, the way the characters are written and how it shows their thoughts allows for the story to show change to such a degree that it would allow us to really put ourselves in the place of the character. The only downside of this is that the author could make several mistakes quite easily and the end product heavily depends on how good of a writer they're and how much time they devote to constructing the narrative. Achieving this balance between complexity of the story and how quickly you write it isn't easy, so I  hope that this game doesn't end like many others where it just goes into an undefined hiatus due to how difficult it could be to maintain the quality.

The slow change, and how corruption works is great. I love it. The dynamic could really show how good it is with the progress of the story and from what I have seen the author seems capable to do it in the long run.

I have some recommendations though: 

- Add some way to win money at the end of the day, maybe tied to how much energy you have left, at least in my playthrough I had lot of times where I just had to end the day in the shrine and I think you're wasting an opportunity. (I really disliked that you had to come the next day to work with the blacksmith)

- Add some way to win more strength (stats), maybe training with the old adventurer at the end of the day, going out to hunt monsters on the forest, maybe something similar to my first point with the guards at the city or with your fellow guildmates, it opens the possibility for more lewd options as well if you add some kind of pervert master or some other option.

-Just increase how quickly stores recover their stocks, 1 apple per day is too slow.

Hope to see more. 5/5 :) (I don't usually write reviews and English isn't my primary language so if clarifications are needed please tell me )