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A member registered Mar 04, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hey guys! I just released the first demo of my newest project: Nova Odessa - The Demon Trainer! 

The game is an ARPG where you train your monsters to make them stronger, them battle other monsters for money, and then use the money to buy other monsters or better equipment to make your monsters even stronger. You can say this game is basically Pokemon + UFC + that Digimon game that I never learned how to play.



Thanks! I'm really glad you liked my demo.

I have no idea what causes this bug. Seriously, it never happened to me. I'll check everything that could cause it.

thanks! i think people talked about this bug when i released the first demo, but i was never able to replicate it

thanks! i'm pretty sure i still need to balance the bosses


Thanks for the feedback!

The characters don't really know the MC yet, so they just talk about work. Throughout the game that will change.

The "Locke" thing is a bug that I haven't fixed yet. Sometimes the game decides to not write the last character of a string.

Thanks for the feedback!
I have no idea what is causing the pistol freeze. I suspect it is a issue with game maker.

The medikits only take effect after the healing animation ends. If you get hit before that, you won't get healed and will lose the medikit.

It is possible to use the dash to cancel attack animations, but not the healing one.

Awesome video, man!

thanks for the feedback, man! I really appreciate it.

The music and sound effects are all royalty free. I tried to compose some music but I gave up.

I've never seen this bug before, I'll definitely look into it.

The only way to reload the pistol is talking to Benja (the dude that gave you the sword and the pistol). Same with the medikits, but you need to talk to the nurse. Future levels will have some ammo and medikits scattered through them.

I'm really glad you liked my demo :)

actually, a kid got locked in his bedroom with the big demon :(

Thanks for the feedback!

I'll get rid of the double mines and make some levels a little bit more speedrun-friendly. 

I'll definitely tone down the gun sfx.

Thanks for the feedback!

I think I know how to fix this glitch, but I'll leave it for later...

Thanks for the feedback, man.

The previous demos had a lot more of double mines. Now I'm convinced that the right thing to do is to get rid of them completely.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think simple geometric shapes would fit well this game. I'll definitely try to juice the game a little bit more and improve the art, though. 

It is supposed to be a stealth game, but I have no idea how to sneak past the guards.

The UI is a bit confusing, but the game is really, really good.


Thanks for the feedback! I'll get the hang of designing levels for this game very soon, just give me a couple more weeks hahaha

I'll do something about the spikes, not sure what yet.

tried to play, but it said my computer was missing a file (MSVCP120.dll or something like that) and then crashed


Thanks for the feedback! I really liked your suggestions.

All fans apply the same force on the player. I think the vertical fans feel stronger/weaker because of gravity.

the game already has this option, you just have to go to the options menu and turn it on ("preview of the mission")

Simple and fun. I liked it.

This game is awesome.

Very fun game. My only complaint is that you can carry only one weapon at a time.

Our GLORIOUS NATION needs you! You will test the secret weapon that will guarantee our SUPERIORITY! The Project Rocket!

The tests aren't easy and we don't expect your survival, but that's how HEROES are born!

Project Rocket is a 2D platformer inspired by 1984, Super Meat Boy and RC helicopters.

Game page:

Awesome video man! Thank you!