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A member registered Jun 06, 2020

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I'm really impressed my the amount of content you have managed to pack into this jam, music, animation, story...

Also the game concept is a really interesting one, a twist in the detective series is something I could see beeing developed further.

Congratulations to everyone on the team!

I'm proud to say that's my signature move, the Stickman-move as some people call it 

Glad you are enjoying the game ^^

Sure thing, thanks for your reply. Rest assured that we are as concerned with this as you are, we will get to the bottom of this. At the moment we are waiting for all the team members to pronounce themselves about the case, if you need any cooperation from us in the meantime please let me know.

Hello leafo, we wouldn't want by any chance to ruin the integrity of the jam, so if you were so kind to inform us a little bit more on this issue so we will be able to tackle the incident would be very appreciated. Any information in regards of how it happened will be very much appreciated.  

It's great to hear this as someone who was really pushing the idea of card based tower defense, in the end the team settled for a little different approach, but I'm glad that the references show in the gameplay anyway ^^

If I take something from this jam is that everybody hates hikers, however I cannot oversee the rip-off from the critically aclaimed "Do not climb the mountain", from which it takes waaay more than inspiration. 

Now being serious, the game is really fun, with a simple mechanic but oh man is it satisfying. I also really appreciate the game design decisions where the boulders are closer to the road the higher in the mountain you are. However I cannot agree with the decision of making the boulders smaller eventually, because I think I would have loved an avalanche of rolling boulders. But still probably was a decision they made after testing and I'm probably wrong. 

Anyhow, lovely FUN game and incredibly cool to see someone have the same idea as we had but having a completely different approach. Congratulations on the game ^^

Now that's something I have to check!

It always feel so bad to say this things because we all know it is because of the time constraints. 

But I think delivering a game in this short time period is always an experience worth celebrating ^^

A really cute game expanding on the "Downwell idea", but left me pretty surprised with the quality of some of the animations, that adapt to the player movement.

To criticize something, I feel like the controls should be a bit more "tight" but I'm aware that the expense of implementing that in such amount of time is high. I tried to break the game a little bit and it was really constant, no bugs and no problems which was amazing, although spamming spacebar was a bit too effective. Finally, I'm sorry for nitpicking but the graphic designer in me cannot avoid it, I would have chosen a font for the titles and so on that read better, sometimes I truggled with the text. 

Overall, a pretty solid game, I'm amazed by it :)

"Knowing little more about those climbers would make setting them back even more enjoyable."
That made me think, what if we gave a little bit more of backstory to the climbers?
"This is Barry, Barry has two kids who loves very dearly, but since the divorce he hasn't been able to see them as much. His ex-wife despises him because he is unable to comunicate his problems and solves all of them with alcohol. Barry is climbing the mountain for his children, he wants to make them proud and have something to talk about with them."

Would you push Barry away from his goal? Will you make his life in this cruel world more hellish than what it already is? Is the relic more important than the lives it has taken?

Something worth thinking about

You are completely right, also card games take a lot of time in designing (both visually and gameplay wise) cards, levels and so on. 
Clearly somebody in the design team didn't know how to scope (me)

Haha no worries I love that you opened up about your experience, I'm sure some people will find it insightful (I certainly did) but I wanted to adress the possible missunderstanding that I was shitting in my teammates because for sure I wasn't

Ok it has been brought to my attention by my jam teammates that maybe there has been a bit of a missunderstanding with my comment, when I said "Also this game proved that my teammates have been the problem all along" I didn't mean my jam team, I mean the team inside your game, the red block guys. I thought I was being funny but it just blew in my face :/ I wish I could say that's the first time that has happened tho. 
Also, to address your response, it's really hard to disagree with what you say, I concur in everything you say but everything is also a learning exercise, it was my first jam and I clearly missed the scope by a long shot and unfortunately there are some of us who don't have regular friends that are that invested in game development, but I'm really happy to have met the team I've worked with which all have been great to me and a pleasure to work with. 

And finally I'm really glad you shared your experience and overcame your insecurity to deliver such a nice experience. I'm really glad you didn't back down ^^

That's quite an extended feeling all over the developers, but we have to be proud of doing the best we could with the tools we have ^^

I found myself waaay more addicted to the game than I expected, I thought it was gonna be nothing new and I was so clearly mistaken, great job! 

I will say however that I feel like my character has to little healthpoints and healthbars are not so clear, but not a biggy after all.

Great job you guys should be proud!

I have no idea how you did the effects but I'm blown away by it. Really eye catching game in all possible meanings. 


Super cute game I absolutely LOVE the artstyle. The concept is also pretty amazing, giving me the vibes of potionomics and games like that, I would love to see you developing the game further, adding more depth to the game play and polishing it a bit. 

Congratulations for your work, truly an amazing game ^^

Really fun and simple game, I felt like it was too hard but then I played nonstop until I beat it so what do I know?

But for real, one of my favorite games of the jam, I think the game feel is amazing and getting used to the flag movement takes a bit (not a problem of the game in any means) but once you  do it feels super great. 

Also this game proved that my teammates have been the problem all along ¬¬

I absolutely LOVE the music in this game, for real I sometimes open the game just to listen to it for a while. The concept and the art are also amazingly great.

I can only criticize that the characters were so small that sometimes it was hard to follow the action.

Still, great game and congratulations!!

Really lovely game, great artstyle, UI, sound, everything!! It reminds me a lot of the TikTok trend where people tried to fit into a box in the screen which makes it even funnier.

Unfortunately my highest score only got to 730 but I'm happy with that. If I had to critique something it would be that sometimes feels impossible to get from one point to another, but in such short amount of time the game is pretty well balanced. But even then, who cares if I had so much fun!

Congratulations for an amazing work ^^

Really cool and funny, love the art, also doing a 3D game is not something you usually see in such a short Game Jam, completely outstanding work.

I couldn't get to load the second level, I do not know if it is a bug or that there's no more levels because of the lack of time, but either way the game was great and with some polish could be a completely real game. 

Great job and congratulations!

Had sooo much fun playing this game, lovely concept and execution, everything from the art, graphic design, animations, sound and everything is lovely in this game. I also showed it to a friend and he liked it just by watching it, that's quite something.

To give some improvement feedback, just in case, maybe indicating in any way in the UI that by pressing the keys you can change the kind of vehicle you deploy would be apreciated, but it's so minimal that I even feel bad bringing it up.

Great work, had so much fun playing, congrats!!

It's a really cute game and I really enjoyed the mechanics, however I will say that you should try to use different saturations of colors to separate the main gameplay scene from the background, it gets confusing sometimes.
But don't forget to congratulate yourself on doing a game all by yourself in 48 hours, that's an unbelievable feat!!

Lovely game with inspiration from Wario Ware (I believe), great art, music and gameplay. 

Although I feel like the minigames sometimes extended for longer than they should and sometimes I didn't feel like they had any clear goal, just getting points and they could have a win or lose state (like in Wario Ware) but it is totally unrealistic to expect that in such a short amount of time. 

I also couldn't beat the first one nor the dance minigame (I'll take the whole blame for the later one, I suck at that kind of games)

This is sounding kinda harsh but I totally don't mean it in that way, it was a quick, intense and amazing experience and I liked every second of it, the fact that I replayed it several times speaks volumes. Great job you should be soooo proud :D

The game was really fun to play, reminds me of the newly added "Bobble League" in Discord.

The combo feature was a great addition, loved it!

If I were to criticize something I felt that the controls were a bit unintuitive, like I expected to drag and hold in the opposing direction of the ball, but it's not something that hinders the play experience at all. 
Congratulations for such an impressive work ^^

Amazing game, everything was lovely, the graphics, the concept, the gamefeel.
I'm completely blown away by the fact that you made such a good experience in such amount of time, I can't get over how well balanced the different options are and how good all the animations and controls of the player feel. 

Give yourselves a pat in the back for such an amazing work!

Thank you so much! :)

Definitely, it was in our plans but time wasn't on our side for it :)

That's so kind ^^ happy you enjoyed our game

We really would have benefited from more clarity in the gameplay + a tutorial and for that I will take the blame. But also is great to see that everyone who overcome the rough part of understanding the gameplay had fun playing ^^

That's a really nice thing to say Malk, glad you liked it ^^

I'm really flattered that you liked the art ^^

Thank you so much for your words, It's really heartwarming that even with bugs and the UI problems people have a good time playing the game ^^

Some of us (me) don't really know how to scope :')

I'm glad you get the Hearthstone vibes, in my opinion one of the best designed card games :)
Thank you for your kind words ^^

A lot of people have pointed out problems with the UI which makes the game more unintuitive and frustrating, and they are completely right. I have to say it's mostly my fault, it is my fist jam and I don't know how to implement everything so I ended up letting the integration work for the programmers, so they were a bit overloaded because of my lack of experience. 
Anyway I hope you had fun with the game which is what matters the most to us ^^

Just in case somebody is wondering how to get that "ending" and doesn't know how the 4 teleports are:

- 8th floor right, say no to the creepy boy

- 6th floor left, go inside the creepy woman house

-5th floor right, leave the food and then peek through the door

-4th floor right, stay in front of the open door after you call out.

If any of the floors number is wrong let me know, I am doing this by heart so I may have mistaken any of them.