Thanks for taking the time to write this! I'm happy that we managed to convey such emotions in just 200 words. When it comes to "voted off the island" as you say, in the limited space we had, we decided to put a heavy burden on to the GM's shoulders, and so it's up to them to describe a situation that, after the player's vote, forces one of them to be left behind. I can definitely see what you're saying though, and I do hope to be able to come back to this and maybe smooth some edges and expand this project. We'll see what happens!
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Hi! I played "You Will Destroy Something Beautiful" last night with Scuqualo and my girlfriend, and I must say: we loved it! It's really, really, really interesting, and we had a lot of fun. It's a game that I can't help but perceive as peculiar and... Different. It's a journey that took a number of turns I did not expect when jumping in. Definitely a ride I want to try again multiple times.
During our game, I played the facilitator, while Scuqualo and my girlfriend Greta played the destroyers, We decided it would be intresting to let you know what popped out of our heads while playing your game, so... Here I go! (I'm also attaching a scan of the papers we used, even though it's just barely readable italian ramblings).
Desolate, Windy, Requires unconfortable clothing, In ruins, There's someone selling souvenirs here, Detatched from the rest of the world by some kind of natural barrier, The air here leaves a bad taste in your mouth, It's hard to breathe here.
Hypocritical, It separated populations, It was always kept in a bubble, It's a reminder of a peceful age, In it's presence it's easier to see one's mistakes, It's the fruit of hard work, It's out of scale compared to modern day world, It was recently renovated.
Why have you come here? GIO: My grandfather worked hard to build it. GRETA: I can't stand hearing about it anymore, and I can't stand having to deal with it indirectly.
What has this beautiful thing done, in your eyes, to deserve destruction? GIO: They didn't put my grandfather's name on it once it was finished. GRETA: It bears a strong message, but it has become a hollow idol that stifles progress. It's memory will suffice.
Why are you cruel? GIO: Every change of era needs cruel people. GRETA: I want to create something just as powerful and acknowledged, but being unable to surpass this beautiful thing, I want to destroy it.
Who are you? GIO: I am a tidy guy, driven by the world into boredom and into a craving for change. GRETA: An enlightened individual that will bring forth a new truth, and who will bear the weight and guilt of destroying the old.
In the end, Scuqualo was enthralled by the beautiful thing while my girlfriend managed to destroy it bringing forth her ideas, only losing part of her resolve. As I said, it was a deeply interesting ride. Thanks for creating this!
1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?
Hi! Homuncolo here, but you can call me Lorenzo too if you prefer. I'm an Italian university student, and I'll be teaming up with Scuqualo (you can find his own post a couple messages above this one).
2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?
Nope! I did not participate in any jams prior to this one. I decided to join since it seemed to me like a great opportunity to delve into game making and designing, two things I really love, but sadly never managed to pick up as something more than a small hobby. University is gonna get in the way this time too, but I hope we'll make do with the time we have!
3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?
Oh, boy. It's uh... Tough. When it comes to videogames, I loved "American McGee's Alice", "The Witcher III: Wild Hunt", Silent Hill games and "The Town of Light", but there are a good bunch I'm skipping on. When it comes to a different medium, though, I really enjoy playing Magic: The Gathering and 7Wonders.
4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?
I dabbled a bit with RPGMaker VX Ace and with Game Maker Studio 1.4, but never actually published nor completed any game. With the rest of the team, we'll be picking up Game Maker Studio 2.0.
5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!
Character interactions! That's something that always floated my boat when it comes to games of any kind, and not only in games.
6. What are your goals for this game jam?
I'd love to be able to create a small, simple game I can be happy about, and see how much I can learn in the process!