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Recent community posts
I've noticed that 90% of the Important NPCs (NPCs that have quests or are involved in quests) are either female, shemale or herm with a feminine body, I think only 3 of the NPCs that are important to the story are male (Alex, the warden and the cyborg guy who's name I forgot) and I'm pretty sure out of the three you can only have sex with Alex and it's only once or twice in the entire game!
If it's not too much trouble I would like it if you added some male and peachboy NPCs
with quests and the ability to have sex with them. Please and thank you. <3
I am on Android, I didn't keep track of my DPS and the most prominent example of what I'm talking about is in the first level on the far right with the three white platforms. I would stand underneath them and just keep jumping over and over until the game randomly decides that this specific jump that was no different from the previous 100 ones would let on the platform.