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A member registered Jul 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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This is a neat idea, where you choose how the difficulty curve progresses, and I love that your progression through the game is by making your character progressively weaker, instead of stronger.


It's... completely random?

Whoa. Huh. 

Cool game though, really tight controls.

I think the fact that the platforms you were trying to  land on were relatively small made it difficult. It made it feel like you were going to overshoot. That, and having a jump that was barely strong enough (on its own, without the double jump) to get you there made it feel like each jump was life threatening.

Oh, I meant that it grows on you.
Like, at first, I was like "man, I don't like this music". But then, once all the action started happening, it became an absolute bop, and I loved trying to time my shots to the beat. That's probably why I lost.

I liked that the breathing mechanic added a time pressure.

I like that you can suffocate when trying to meditate. That's some dedication there.

But yeah, the time pressure is great for gameplay. The movement feels kind of weird on analog stick, it almost snaps to horizontal and vertical lines.

Also, the eerie kind of whale-song in the background is really neat

I liked that you could influence the direction the trash goes flying, I thought that was a cool bit

(2 edits)





A nice twist, looking at the theme as a theme for the game, instead of a mechanic

Loved the idea of risk/reward tied to the gun that you choose. Didn't like having to click on each individual enemy. Loved the incredible jump and flopping around on the ground, still shooting

I loved the music and sound design.

Also the idea that you can expand your playing area is really cool. The fact that you had to hold down a button to eat the bugs didn't really influence the game very much, since you could eat and do everything else at the same time.

I love the neon feel to the character, and the trail. The platforming was surprisingly difficult, especially when trying to read the text on screen

I love the music, it's atmospheric and great. The idea of running on a planet that's constantly getting smaller is awesome, you could probably do a lot with that in the future

It's a neat lil' exploration game, because everything is so dark (you can only really see the squares immediately around you) it involves a lot of experimentation to find the key.

Loved the art style, the gun was very juicy and fun.

The song really grows on you quickly. The idea that you have to use the two bullet types with their different strengths is pretty neat too, especially because they have different effective ranges. I will say, though, that aiming at someone directly above or below you is really hard, because your character holds the gun to the side and doesn't flip to look in the direction you're pointing.

All in all, it was fun, the Tutorial especially was good