Fun game, I didn't feel massively overpowered, but I do feel as if I only lost due to bad luck with enemy spawns. Overall a pretty good game!

I love the style of the game and I think it has some very good ideas!
The issue I had was combat on the motorcycle. Whether it was a skill issue on my part or not, I felt like the projectiles were just too slow to keep up with the fast moving motorcycle combined with the moving enemies. The ice spell felt like it was the only spell I could semi-consistently hit the enemies.
I did find a few bugs, including one that lets you skip getting all the books and spells except one. I plan on recording it and sending it in a reply so It can be shown rather than described in a poor manner.
Overall, I think this game has good potential, and I really connect with this low poly design combined with the art and style. I had fun testing the spells and the dialogue changing based on you have is sick attention to detail that I love to see. The biggest issue was the motorcycle combat but besides that, It is a solid game.
Hi there! I was wondering how the steam release was going? I am very excited to see this on steam!
I do have a suggestion as well. Bug/Suggestion forms would be nice in case something flies under your radar or if someone has a good idea they want to share! I would say a discord would be nice convenience for the forms and the community but those things are hell to set-up. Google forms might be good alternative.
I hope progress is going smoothly!
Glad to be back too! Life has its ways to screw with people, so apologies for dropping out. I'm super excited for the steam launch and update, I will make sure to be one of the first to grab it!
I unfortunately don't have the knowledge of the first Golgothite run anymore, but once the new one releases on steam, I will keep to my word this time and see how fast I can beat it!
I believe sub hour is acheivable, there is room for time save because I got 28 mins on a run were not everything was planned yet. The inside of golgothite may prove to be difficult but I have a small idea, getting the magic wand. Its like the culinary cannon in the sense that it is very good right out the gate but performs better since its tracking a various other effects. It may be out of the way but it might save massive time for the last boss.
It hasnt‘t fully came together but its getting there 👍
I have routed the first map of the game and defeated Golgothite's Skull in just 28 minutes! I've developed a decently reliable way to deal with the Guardian of the Antichrist, a way to cheese the Arch Angel, and a decent loadout. I now have Inside Golgothite to route and map, and I have a vague idea of how it'll pan out but only time will tell!
Stats After Defeating Golgothite's Skull
325 HP
00h28 (Note, this is in-game time, real time is unknown and most likely much longer)
25% Abilities (Double Jump, Murky Coat, Dash, Angel Wings)
18% Weapons (Skeleton Hand, Flamer, Demon Fork, Rocket Launcher, Jack Hammer, Double Barrel, and the two starter weapons)
39% Bosses (Honestly higher than I thought it would be)
Main weapon used was the flamer, it is great against everything, including the Skull
I never have seen this, this will really improve timing and the route! Thank you so much, I thought I had fully discovered the map, that worries me I have missed another huge shortcut 😭
I always wondered why the gate shut so abruptly unlike other gates but I never thought of that. Getting the flamer early on is a grace, it really holds through till endgame in my opinion.
I absolutely loved it, I like where it is going! The weapons are nicely balanced and the bosses don't feel like pushovers. I love obliterating bosses but the damage compared to the boss health is a very good mix right now!
I couldn't exactly find where the heart weapon was, although this was the same save as used for the older demo so I don't know if that has caused any issues.
I do have a couple points of feedback. When you are at the height of your double jump, instead of floating for a very short second and then accelerating downwards like a normal jump, it feels like you hit a ceiling and immediately start going downwards. It feels different to the normal jump that you get accustomed to, so it might be difficult to maneuver when double jump is needed.
My only other feedback is damage numbers when hitting an enemy. My apologies if this is already planned to be implemented, but damage numbers makes hitting enemies feel more reactive and can make figuring out what weapon to use a lot easier. It can also show their defense values, which is a really nice stat to have.
Overall, this demo is very good and playing it was a joy. I love how you are revamping the previous bosses, it makes them so much more engaging and all the textures fit your aesthetic very well. Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!
Very nice demo! The health-on-hit ability is a little strong at the moment, but I love the map design and how it feels to move around. The "?" on rooms with secrets is a nice touch so you don't have to bump into every wall lol. Keep up the good work, this is going to turn out great! P.S. I love your art style :)