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A member registered Nov 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I made the gameloop combining many games I liked. Thanks for the feedback, I'll take more consideration into consistency next time.

Thanks! This game is based on another game that had a countdown on every generated level, after which infinite waves of enemies spawned and the player had to escape the level. I wanted to make a similar experience, but get rid of any explicit countdown, which I thought was one of the game's weaknesses, and thus added the storm which spawns endless enemies.

Thanks! The original idea was a lot more ambitious, with cannons for the ship, weapons for the player character and such, but such are the time limits of a jam, so I put the basics.

Sorry about that, making it a web version messed up the collisions. After the jam period is over I'm changing it so it works in web.

Hola! También soy de Chile.

I loved it! Fun and charming.

I spent plenty of time on this game. The health and inventory size being inversely proportional gives a risk-reward problem in keeping the health low. The mind exchange mechanic was fun thanks to the small size of the game.

Cute game. Being small at the beginning makes becoming big later on impactful.

The objective of the game is to build bigger turtles by combining the smaller turtles. To do this, you have to match the colors of the circles (which are chosen on the right side of the UI) with the color arrangement of the 2x2 squares of turtles (left side of the UI).

For example, if in a turtle square all four turtles are of different colors, then you have to select the last arrangement (all four circles are of different colors) and then click on those four turtles, this will combine them into a purple turtle. If instead all four turtles have the same color, then you have to choose the first arrangement (all four circles have the same color) and then click on those four turtles, this will combine them into a red turtle.

This applies for all squares of turtles. Some arrangements have to be rotated to work though, which can be done with the A and D keys; with the middle and right mouse buttons; or by clicking on the buttons with rotating arrows on the screen.

This explanation is a bit wordy. Hope it helps!

Thanks for your reply! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

10/10 testearia de nuevo