the dog with the... lets say suspicious itch (to avoid spoilers for anyone else who reads this) had me genuinely tearing up laughing
Huffer, Mage of Paint
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when you click the tv does it just say something close to "can cum 0 times (balls empty!)" or do you get any distinct popups?
never heard of wrinkled balls but i also sorta abuse imacheater.ic (or something close to that)
besides that you might have to reload an earlier save if not full on restart (which 100% hoping against)
saw the name floating around in a few threads here, then saw a unique sword in one of the vids posted (the high monster level one, like 3.6k or something?) but i havent found it sadly. Spent a few hours playing it when it finally downloaded and only missed that and however you get back to school, anyone mind giving some insight/dropping some hints?
((I really wanna experience this masterpiece 135%, dont wanna miss one lil smidge))