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Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World)

Floppy ragdoll rpg sandbox with physics-based combat · By fishlicka


A topic by Huffer, Mage of Paint created Apr 11, 2020 Views: 376 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 2

saw the name floating around in a few threads here, then saw a unique sword in one of the vids posted (the high monster level one, like 3.6k or something?) but i havent found it sadly. Spent a few hours playing it when it finally downloaded and only missed that and however you get back to school, anyone mind giving some insight/dropping some hints? 
((I really wanna experience this masterpiece 135%, dont wanna miss one lil smidge))

Up until 0.0.6, the Draginslayer was in the mouth of one of the fog giants. I won’t say too much since I don’t want to spoil anything but you will find what you are looking for by flying straight up from the graveyard. I recommend you do that before looking at any of the other threads in order avoid spoilers. Trust me, the flight up is well worth it.

thankyou thankyou c: i tried flying up and i guess i just got bored too fast 
looking forward to seeing the rest!